Configuring the Network Storage Link
For advanced users, a web-
based utility has been pro-
grammed into the Network
Storage Link. This section will
explain some of the functions
in this web utility. All adminis-
trative tasks are performed
through this web utility. The
web utility can be accessed
by any PC on the network by
in the PC's web browser
Address window.
After you press the Enter key,
the Home screen will appear.
Click the Administration tab
to configure the Network Stor-
age Link and the Administra-
tion screen will appear
as FAT32 or NTFS, then you will not be
able to use the Users, Groups, or
Backup features of the Network
Storage Link. These features will only
work with EXT3-formatted drives.
Accessing the Utility
The Home screen
The Administration screen
If your USB drive is formatted