BeamControl-Master BCM
2. Scan mode:
A light-intensive segment of different breadth
and position can be adjusted.
Activate mode
on rotation laser
with SensoCommander
Change position
on rotation laser
with SensoCommander
3. Rotation mode:
A laser beam rotating around 360° with a
speed of up to 200 rpm.
Activate mode
on rotation laser
with SensoCommander
Change speed
on rotation laser
with SensoCommander
4. Hand receiver mode:
Optimum reception quality by constantly high
speed of (maximum speed = 500 rpm).
Activate mode
on rotation laser
with SensoCommander
Note referring to all modes: The red LED lights up when the limit of a range has
been reached (e.g. maximum speed, biggest scan angle).
Change scan angle
on rotation laser
with SensoCommander