OperatIOn InStruCtIOnS
Ensure that the finger is dry before being inserted into the oximeter.
Do not shake the finger; keep finger motionless during oximeter use.
Avoid placing the device on a limb which is wrapped with a cuff for blood pressure mea-
surement or undergoing venous infusion.
Ensure that no obstruction (contamination, scar tissue, fingernail polish, acrylic fingernail,
etc.) exists at the site where the sensor is placed; such obstruction could affect the signal
received by the sensor and result in an incorrect measurement.
Vigorous exercise and electrosurgical device interference may affect the measuring ac-
1. Open the clip as shown in Figure 4.
2. Insert finger into the clip's rubber cushion (en-
sure that the finger is correctly positioned), and
then gently clip the finger.
3. The device will power on automatically in two
seconds, and start to display the software ver-
sion number.
Figure 4
John Bunn DigiO
Finger Pulse Oximeter