Assembly and installation Universal-Filter 3 external
Preparation of the excavation
So that sufficient working room is available and the filter can be evenly embedded, the surface area of the
excavation should exceed the filter dimensions on all sides by approximately 50 mm. The excavation
slope is according to DIN 4124. The installations excavation must be level and smooth. The depth of the
excavation must be measured so that the final installation depth of the filter bottom is a maximum
1050 mm. As an under surface for setting down, a layer of smooth sand with a grain size of 8/16
according to DIN 4226 – 1 and a layer depth of approximately 10 mm should be used.
Important: The setting down surface for the filter must be absolutely level to ensure an optional
Placing in the excavation and laying the connections
The filter is installed in the prepared excavation and is then connected to the relevant pipes etc. Attention,
it is important to note that all the pipes to be installed have a must have a gradient of at least 1% in the
flow direction without sagging or bending downward. An emergency run-off must also be connected so
that a congestion or back surge may be avoided.
Important: DIN 1986 must be followed, therefore the diameter of the supply pipe = the diameter of the
run-off pipe.
Telescope installation
5.3.1 Telescope pedestrian resistant
The telescope is pressed into the filter housing from above.
For excavation depths < 930 mm the telescopic attachment
and in some circumstances, the filter housing must be
shortened. It is important to pay attention that the inlet pipe
is not obstructed in any way by the telescope when installed.
Before pushing in the telescope the profiled sealing ring is
placed in the housings recess. The telescope and the
sealing ring must be thoroughly coated with the lubricating
soap included in the delivery (use no lubrication that is
mineral oil based).
Attention: If the lubricating soap becomes dry and the telescope becomes difficult to move then there is
the danger that the sealing ring will be forced out of its recess. Before filling, the sealing ring must be
checked once again that it is seated correctly in position. The telescope must be sufficiently embedded
and supported that no forces are transferred to the housing.
5.3.2 Telescope suitable for light traffic
The telescope is installed as in Point 5.3.1. To ensure the function in areas traversed by light traffic, the
telescope must be embedded around the collar with lean mixed concrete. The concrete encasement must
be uninterrupted, 20 cm wide and approximately 30 cm deep.
Attention: It is important to use the cast steel cover. Transport vehicle weight of heavy goods vehicles
and machinery is not permitted. The telescope must be sufficiently embedded and supported that no
forces are transferred to the housing.
Important: Before and during the filling, the horizontal position of the filter must be checked. The
lengthwise embedding of the filter is with smooth sand with a grain size of 8/16 according to DIN 4226 – 1
with a width of approximately 30 cm. Each layer is to be of no more than 30 cm and must be tamped
down lightly with a compacting machine or hand held tamper. Care must be taken during the embedding
to ensure the filter is not damaged. To ensure that no forces are applied to the filter housing, the
telescope must be well embedded and compacted. (For areas traversed by light traffic see point 5.3.2)
Finally, the cover is set in place and secured so that it is child proof (point 1.1must be followed). The
screws holding down the cover are to be made so tight that they can not be removed and the
cover opened by a child!
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