Menu for speed limit
a. To set up a speed limit, please follow the steps
detailed below:
- Turn off the display
- Press and hold the thumb brake. Keep it pressed
during the entire operation
- Power the display
The display will show "L1"
b. Move to the option you want by
pressing the [LIGHT] button:
[LIGHT] L1-L2-L3-L4-L5
- To set up and save the speed limit
you want, press the S - [SET] button
- To finish the settings, release thumb brake and turn on the scooter
Menu for settings
a. To set up one of this options, please follow the steps
detailed below:
- Turn on the display
- Press and hold the thumb brake. Keep it pressed
during the entire operation
- Press the [POWER] button
The display will show: P1
b. Move to the option you want by pressing
the [LIGHT] button: P1- P2*- P3**
- To set up and save the option you
want, press the S - [SET] button
- To finish the settings, release the thumb brake.
* – If you want to stop the scooter while this function is activated, please use the
thumb electric brake.
** – This function eliminates the speed limitation at 30 km/h, providing a higher
engine speed and torque.
Note: To avoid any dangerous situation, we recommend using this function ONLY
to climb hills.
E1 – Overcurrent protection (Motor does not move for
more than 4 seconds) - this error clears after release
the acceleration throttle is released.
E2 – Communication error (No communication for
L1 = Limit the speed to 6 km/h
L2 = Limit the speed to 12 km/h
L3 = Limit the speed to 20 km/h
L4 = Limit the speed to 25 km/h
L5 = Limit the speed to 30 km/h
= Zero Start [ON/OFF]
P2* = Cruise Control [ON/OFF]
P3** = Sport function