Capture a Skyline
A skyline is the solar access measurement for a particular location at
the site. For example, you might capture a skyline on the east side of a
roof and then capture another skyline on the west side of the roof.
» Skyline » New... You will see a live preview of the skyline
through the fi sh-eye lens with
the sunpaths superimposed
on top.
Be sure the protective cover
is open all the way so that the
compass is level.
If you are in the Northern
Hemisphere, orient the
Solmetric SunEye toward
magnetic south by lining
up the white end of the compass arrow with S. If the Southern
Hemisphere, orient it north by lining up the white end of the compass
arrow with N (magnetic declination is automatically accounted for).
Hold the instrument level by observing the bubble level. It is level when
the bubble is inside the inner circle.
Snap or press the center of the 5-way navigation button.
» Skyline » Properties... to change the properties of a
skyline. You can change the panel tilt and panel azimuth by tapping on
the Panel Tilt and Panel Azim numeric boxes.
Note: panel azimuth values are true, not magnetic.