Power up the Solmetric SunEye
Connect the AC charger cable between your Solmetric SunEye and a
wall outlet or connect the Device/USB cable between the Solmetric
SunEye and a PC that is on.
If the Solmetric SunEye is not already on, press the power button
briefl y. Once the internal battery has been charged (about 4 hours), the
device will operate without the external power connection.
Th e battery will slowly discharge even when the device is off . For
proper operation, do not allow the battery to completely discharge.
When the Solmetric SunEye is not in use, connect its AC power or
Device/USB cable to a PC that is on.
Note: Operating Temperature Th e Solmetric SunEye device
should not be operated outside the temperature range of 32°F
to 104°F, or be exposed to temperatures below -4°F or above
140°F. Even though the ambient temperature may be 80ºF, the
temperature of the device left in direct sun for half an hour can
easily reach 130ºF or more.
Set Date and Time
If this is the fi rst time turning on the Solmetric SunEye, you will see the
screen to the right.
Using your fi nger on the
touchscreen, select the main
menu icon at the bottom-left
corner of the screen
then select Set Date and
You will see the
and Time dialog box. Set the
correct date, time, and time
zone. Press Set to save.
Th e Solmetric SunEye touchscreen user interface has been designed to
work with your fi nger. Th ere is no need to use the stylus. You will fi nd
that using your fi ngernail works best.
Set Date
Main Menu Icon