Refer to the exploded view drawing to identify the component parts to be assembled.
Secure the feet #7 to the press frame #17 with the bolts #6, washers #9, lock washers #10 and nuts #11 provided.
Secure the pump #5 to the press frame #17 with the washers #18 and bolts #19 as shown in the exploded view drawing.
Center the ram plate #20 on top of the press frame #17. Using one hand, position the ram plate #15 directly below the ram plate #20 and
under the press frame's top beam so the other hand can be used to feed the bolts #21 through the corresponding holes in both plates.
Secure the bolts #21 with the washers #9 and nuts #11 and tighten.
Install the ram assembly #3 down through the hole in the ram plate #20 just far enough so the ram's threads are seen under the plate and
screw the upper ram nut #16 all the way on the ram until the end of the threads. Now continue to lower the ram assembly #3 down through
the hole in the ram plate #15 until the upper round nut #16 rests on the ram plate #15. Screw on the lower round nut #14 on the ram threads
until the nut engages all the threads. Raise the ram up until the top of the lower round nut is up against the bottom of the ram plate #15
and then screw down the upper ram nut #16 until the ram plate #15 is sandwiched between lock round nuts. Tighten the set screws in both
round nuts.
Insert the nylon washer #2 in the fitting on top of the ram assembly #3 and install the gauge #1 in the fitting. Tighten the gauge in the fitting
so the face of the gauge is pointing towards the operating side of the press.
Install the coupler at the end of the pump's hose in the ram coupler and tighten by hand only.
Install the adapter #4 in the bottom of the ram assembly #3 and secure it with the screw #22.
Tilt the work bed #13 so that each end will straddle the press frame's sides. Raise the work bed to the desired height and closest to the
holes in the frame. Insert the pins #8 through the press frame holes and secure the pins by inserting the rings #23 in the pins' ring grooves.
The work bed #13 can now rest on the pins.
If the end of the pump #5 is equipped with a vented fill screw, turn the screw counterclockwise until it stops.
10) Sometimes during shipping and handling, air may become trapped in the hydraulic system and cause the pump to malfunction or not
achieve a full pump stroke. Purging air out of the system can be accomplished by following these steps:
a. On the side of the pump #5 is a knob that must be turned clockwise all the way until it stops in order to extend the ram #3 during the
pumping operation. Turn the knob counterclockwise two full rotations from its stop position. Install the pump handle in the pump's
handle receiver and operate the pump 10 full incremental pump strokes.
b. Repeat step 'a' until all the air is purged out of the system.
Visual inspection of the shop press should be made before each use of the press, checking for damaged, loose or missing parts.
Each press must be inspected by an authorized service center immediately if subjected to an abnormal load or shock. Any press
which appears to be damaged in any way, is found to be badly worn, or operates abnormally must be prevented from being used until
necessary repairs are made by an authorized service center. It is recommended that an annual inspection of the press be made by an
authorized service center and that any defective parts, missing or damaged warning labels be replaced with Evercraft parts
and labels.
1) Prior to use, the press feet #7 shall be firmly anchored to a bench to prevent movement and tipping of the press while it is being
2) Evaluate the work to be accomplished in order to make full use of the ram assembly #3 stroke. Consideration to press accessories used in
conjunction with the component to be worked on should determine the work height of the work bed #13.
3) Make sure the work bed #13 is free of any accessories, work pieces and tools before raising or lowering the work bed. The work bed is
light enough to be raised and lowered by hand. Once the work bed #13 is at its desired work height, install the pins #8 in the frame #17
holes closest to the underside of the work bed. Make sure the pins #8 are fully engaged in both sides of the press frame.
4) Make sure the ram assembly is completely retracted at this time by turning the knob on the side of the pump #5 in a counterclockwise
direction. Assemble the work setup on the work bed #13 so that it is secure, stable and the ram assembly is properly aligned with the part
to be pressed so it makes for a straight vertical operation.
5) Install proper guarding that provides adequate protection against any flying parts and use a bearing shield if it applies to the application.
6) Make sure that goggles and all protective clothing are worn at this time and clear the press work area of bystanders before using.
7) Turn the knob on the side of the pump #5 in a clockwise direction until it stops and slowly activate the pump handle until the ram #3
meets the load. Continue to slowly pump the handle to make sure the setup is still stable and the ram #3 is pushing straight and vertical.
Discontinue pumping if the setup or vertical ram travel looks compromised. Release the ram by turning the knob on the side of the pump
#5 counterclockwise and make any required setup changes before pumping again. Make sure to read the gauge #1 intermittently so the
force does not exceed the lowest rated capacity press accessory, plunger or adapter being used.
8) After the work has been completed, retract the ram all the way, remove everything off the top of the work bed #13 and raise the work bed
off the top of the pins #8. The pins #8 can be removed and work bed #13 moved to another height. Always support the work bed #13
with pins #8. Never leave the press unattended without the pins #8 supporting the work bed #13.
rev. 04/02/20