Selecting the reference
Your reference should have a concentra-
tion or flow equal or close to what is to be
Instrument specification is valid for con-
centrations ranging from 0.1 to 10 times
the leak alarm level.
Example for reference gas:
Leak Alarm Level is set at 8 PPM.
A reference gas mix containing 8 PPM
hydrogen in synthetic air will give best
For greatest accuracy, reference gas should
be within 50% of leak alarm level.
In this example it means 4 to 12 PPM
Concentration of hydrogen should always
be within 2 PPM to 400 PPM.
Example for reference leak:
Leak Alarm Level is set at 2.0E-4 atm.
A reference leak calibrated to 2.0E-4 cc/s
will give best accuracy.
Adixen Scandinavia - User's manual H2000 PLUS