Keep your WORK SHARP™ WS2000
and the work space clean for best
performance and safety. Do not let
sharpening debris accumulate on,
in or around the WORK SHARP™
WS2000. Accumulated fine metal
sharpening debris can be very hot
and may present a fire danger if the
machine or your workspace is not
properly cleaned and maintained.
Accumulated sharpening debris can
also degrade the life of your WORK
SHARP™ WS2000 and cause pre-
mature wear on some components.
If sharpening debris has accumu-
lated, do not immediately throw it
into a trash receptacle without en-
suring the debris is completely cool
and free of heat. Improperly dispos-
ing of the accumulated sharpening
debris may present a fire risk. Do
not collect the sharpening debris
during sharpening. This increases
the risk of heat build up in the de-
bris and the potential for fire.
Lock out power switch
To lock out power switch, remove the lock-out key.
The machine can now be turned off, but not on.
To turn the machine on, insert lock-out key in the
front of the power switch. Machine may now be
turned on or off.