The following is a listing of the default
applications available on both the Home/
Extended screens and the Applications screen.
Books – Launches the Google Books
application where you can download and
read over 3 million ebooks on the go.
BoostZone – Launches the BoostZone
application that is a centralized location
for Boost related services, such as
accessing My Account,Boost News, and
help troubleshoot phone related issues.
Browser – Launches the Web browser.
Calculator – Launches the Calculator
Calendar – Launches the Calendar
application that can sync to either your
Google or Outlook®Work calendar. Events
can only be synched to a managed account.
Camcorder – Launches the Camcorder.
Camera – Launches the Camera.
Clock - Access the Clock application.
Contacts – Displays the Contacts that can
be synchronized with your device from
either your Google or Outlook account.
Contacts can only be synched to a
managed account.
Downloads – Launches the Downloads
application and allows you to view, reopen,
or delete what you've downloaded.
Email – Provides access your POP3, IMAP,
and Exchange Server (Outlook) email
accounts. Also provides access to your
Gmail account.
Flash Player Settings - Allows you to
manage your Flash Player settings.
Section 1A: Your Phone: The Basics