Hdm: Rumbo, Magnético - Furuno SC-70 Manual Del Operador

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APÉNDICE 7 INTERFAZ DIGITAL (IEC 61162-1, 4ª edición [2010-11])
• HDM: Rumbo, magnético
$ ** HDM, x.x, M *hh <CR><LF>
1 2
1. Heading, degrees (0.0 to 359.9)
2. Magnetic (M)
• HDT: Rumbo, verdadero
$**HDT, xxx.x,T*hh<CR><LF>
1 2
1. Heading, degrees (0.0 to 359.9)
2. True (T)
• HRM: Ángulo de inclinación, dispositivo de medición del periodo y de la amplitud de balanceo
$**HRM,hhmmss.ss,x.x,x.x,x.x,A,x.x,x.x,hhmmss.ss,x.x,x.x *hh<CR><LF>
1. Actual heel angle, degrees (-89.999 to 89.999, null)
2. Roll period, seconds (0 to 99.9, null)
3. Roll amplitude, port side, degrees (0 to 89.999, null)
4. Roll amplitude, starboard side, degrees (0 to 89.999, null)
5. Status (A/V) A=Data valid, V=Data invalid
6. Roll peak hold value, port side, degrees (null)
7. Roll peak hold value, starboard side, degrees (null)
8. Peak hold value reset time (fixed at null)
9. Peak hold value reset day (fixed at null)
10. Peak hold value reset month (fixed at null)
• MSK: Comando de interfaz de receptor
$**MSK,x.x,a,x.x,a,x.x,x,a *hh<CR><LF>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Beacon frequency, kHz (283.5 to 325.0, null)
2. Auto/Manual frequency (See note 2) (A=Auto, M=Manual)
3. Beacon bit rate, bits/s (25, 50, 100, 150, 200, null)
4. Auto/Manual beacon bit rate (See note 2) (A=Auto, M=Manual)
5. Interval for sending $**MSS (status) in seconds (See note 1) (Fixed at 5)
6. Channel number (See note 3) (Fixed at 1)
7. Sentence status flag (See note 4) (C - Sentence is a configuration command to change settings. A
sentence without "C" is not a command.)
1) When status data is not to be transmitted this field is "null".
2) If Auto is specified the previous field value is ignored.
3) Set equal to "1" or null for single channel receiver.
4) This field is used to indicate a sentence that is a status report of current settings or a configuration
command changing settings. This field should not be null.
3 4 5 6
9 10
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