Gll: Posición Geográfica, Latitud/Longitud - Furuno SC-70 Manual Del Operador

Compás de satélites (compás gps)
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• GGA: Datos de fijación del sistema de posicionamiento global
1. UTC of position (000000.00 to 235959.99)
2. Latitude (0000.0000 to 9000.00000)
3. N/S
4. Longitude (0000.0000 to 18000.00000)
5. E/W
6. GPS quality indicator (0 to 8)
7. Number of satllite in use (00 to 99)
8. Horizontal dilution of precision (0.0 to 99.9)
9. Antenna altitude above/below mean sea level (-9999 to 9999)
10. Unit, (Fixed at m)
11. Geoidal separation (-9999 to 9999)
12. Unit, (Fixed at m)
13. Age of differential GPS data (0 to 299) ,null
14. Differential reference station ID (0000 to 1023),null
• GLL: Posición geográfica, latitud/longitud
1. Latitude (0000.0000 to 9000.0000)
2. N/S
3. Longitude (0000.0000 to 18000.0000)
4. E/W
5. UTC of position (000000.00 to 235959.99)
6. Status (A=data valid V=data invalid)
7. Mode indicator (A=Autonomous, D=Differential, E=Estimated (dead reckoning), M=Manual input,
S=Simulator, N=Data not valid )
• GNS: Datos de fijación GNSS
1. UTC of position (000000.00 to 235959.99)
2. Latitude (0000.0000 to 9000.0000)
3. N/S
4. Longitude (0000.0000 to 18000.0000)
5. E/W
6. Mode indicator
N=No fix A=Autonomous D=Differential P=Precise R=Real Time Kinematic
F=Float RTK E=Estimated Mode M=Manual Input Mode S=Simulator Mode
7. Total number of satellites in use (00 to 99)
8. HDOP (0.0 to 50.0)
9. Antenna altitude, meters (-9999 to 9999)
10. Geoidal separation (-9999 to 9999)
11. Age of differential data (0 to 99)
12. Differential reference station ID (0000 to 1023)
13. Naivgational status indicator
S=Safe C=Caution U=Unsafe V=Navigational status not valid
APÉNDICE 7 INTERFAZ DIGITAL (IEC 61162-1, 4ª edición [2010-11])
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