Descripción De Sentencias (Salida) - Furuno SC-70 Manual Del Operador

Compás de satélites (compás gps)
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• VBW: Velocidad dual respecto al fondo/agua
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Longitudinal water speed, knots (-999.994 to 999.994, null)
2. Transverse water speed, knots (-999.994 to 999.994, null)
3. Status: water speed (A=Data valid)
4. Longitudinal ground speed, knots (unused)
5. Transverse ground speed, knots (unused)
6. Status: ground speed, (A=Data valid, V=Data invalid)
7. Stern transverse water speed, knots (-999.994 to 999.994, null)
8. Status: stern water speed (A=Data valid)
9. Stern transverse ground speed, knots (unused)
10. Status: stern ground speed, (A=Data valid, V=Data invalid)
• VDR: Dirección y velocidad de la deriva
$**VDR,x.x,T,x.x,M,x.x,N*hh <CR><LF>
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Direction, degrees True (0.0 to 360.0,null)
2. T=True (fixed)
3. Direction, degrees Magnetic (0.0 to 360.0,null)
4. M=Magnetic (fixed)
5. Current speed (0 to 99.99)
6. N=Knots (fixed)
• Sentencias patentadas: GPatt, GPhve, Ilals, pireq.
Descripción de sentencias (Salida)
• ALC: Lista de alertas cíclicas
$**ALC,xx,xx,xx,x.x, aaa,x.x,x.x,x.x,''''''*hh<CR><LF>
1 2 3 4
1. Total number of sentences this message (01 to 99)
2. Sentence number (01 to 99)
3. Sequential message identifier (00 to 99)
4. Number of alert entries (0 to 2)
5. Manufacturer mnemonic code (FEC, null)
6. Alert identifier (000 to 999999)
7. Alert instance (1 to 999999)
8. Revision counter (1 to 99)
9. Additional alert entries (same as 5 to 8)
• ALF: Sentencia de alerta
1 2 3
1. Total number of ALF sentences this message (1, 2)
2. Sentence number (1, 2)
3. Sequential message identifier (0 to 9)
4. Time of last change (hh=00 to 23, mm=00 to 59, to 59.99), null
5. Alert category (B=Alert category B,), null when #2 is 2.
6. Alert priority (W=Warning, C=Caution), null when #2 is 2.
7. Alert state (V=Not ACKed, S=Silence, A=ACked, O/U=Resolved, Not ACKed,
N=Normal state), null when #2 is 2.
8. Manufacturer mnemonic code (FEC, null)
9. Alert identifier (000 to 999999)
10. Alert instance (1 to 999999)
11. Revision counter (1 to 99)
12. Escalation counter (0 to 9)
13. Alert text (when #2 =1: max. 16 characters; when #2=2: max. characters
according to regulation)
APÉNDICE 7 INTERFAZ DIGITAL (IEC 61162-1, 4ª edición [2010-11])
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13
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