This deicing cable is designed to prevent ice buildup, known as ice dams,
from forming on roofs and in gutters and downspouts. When properly
installed and operated, this product creates a path for melted snow or ice
("melt water") to drain from the roof to the ground.
Do not install this product to remove ice dams that have already formed
or to clear the roof of ice and snow.
Do not use this deicing cable for any other purposes, such as to melt snow
on sidewalks or to protect pipes from freezing. Easy Heat offers other
products designed for these purposes. See your local dealer or call Easy
Heat toll-free at 800/562-6587.
Improved ventilation (cooling) of the space underneath the roof
surface, if possible, can also reduce the likelihood of ice dam
formation. To avoid ice dams, the entire roof surface should be kept at
the same temperature as the outside air. Consult a professional roofer for
expert advice on roof venting; refer to Appendix A on page 19.
Although the installation of the cable does not require special skills, you
may wish to hire a professional for a variety of reasons. For example, if
you are uncertain about any of the Electrical Requirements on pages 6 - 7,
or if you are not comfortable working on a ladder or on the roof, you may
need to hire a professional, such as a licensed electrician.
Also, slate, stone, ceramic and metal roofs require professional
installation and special considerations. Contact Easy Heat for more
information toll-free at 800/562-6587.
The deicing cable may be installed when:
• There is no ice or snow on the roof
Do not use this cable to melt snow and ice that has already formed on
your roof or in your gutters or downspouts, as you would not be able
to attach the cable properly with the clips. Additionally, this cable was
not designed to melt snow; rather, it simply provides a path for snow
or ice that has already melted (meltwater) to flow to the ground.
To solve ice dam problems when snow and ice are on the roof,
contact a professional roofer for expert advice.
To prevent future ice dams, you can install the deicing cable once
the ice and snow have melted and before the next winter season.
ADKS Owner's Manual
• The temperature allows for lifting of the shingle tabs
In general, the temperature should be between 32° and 80°F
(0°C and 27°C). Below 32°F (0°C), shingles are brittle and
may break off when lifted to install the cable clips. Above 80°F
(27°C), shingles may be warm and may tear when lifted to install the
cable clips.
In general, the cable should be installed on roof areas where ice dams are
likely to form. Depending on the exposure to the sun, prevailing wind di-
rection and roof shape, the susceptible area may be the entire roof edge,
or it may be specific areas, such as underneath skylights, in roof valleys
or around dormers. Ice dams can be identified at points where snow has
melted on an upper roof surface, but the area below is still snow and/or
ice covered. Icicles are also a sign of ice dams.
Cable should also be installed in any nearby gutters, downspouts and/or
valleys so that a clear path is provided for melt water to drain.
If your previous ice dam problems have only included ice forming in the
gutter and there are no ice dam problems on the roof, install the cable in
the gutter and downspouts only.
See Planning Your Cable Arrangement on pages 8 – 11 for details on the
proper layout of the cable and Appendix A on page 19 for more information
about ice dam formation and prevention.
After you have determined what areas need cable (see above), see
Appendix B on pages 20 – 23 to check your estimation of the length
of cable that you need.