The free−wheel is an attachment that is placed on the output−drive shaft of a swivel
drive or swivel module and fastened. The free−wheel transforms the oscillating
rotary movement of the swivel drive into a timed, uniform step movement. The
movement of the free−wheel's output−drive shaft is only effective in the working
direction left or right. This permits achievement of continuously adjustable timing
advances and a uniform step movement. The switching precision depends on the
switching speed and the load, among other things.
The movement of the swivel module DSM and swivel drive DSR, which could be in
two possible swivel directions, takes place in only one direction through the free−
wheel attachment. The opposite direction is blocked.
FLSM−...−R and FLSR−...−R
Rightward rotation (clockwise)
FLSM−...−L and FLSR−...−L
Leftward rotation (anticlockwise)
with view toward the output−drive shaft
S The working load must always be stopped externally.
S The product is not equipped with an overrun block.
Festo FLSM/FLSR 1004c English