* Repairing and replacement of any component of this product must be carried out exclusively by
professional personnel in conformity with the relevant safety and health standards and only with
original Luci della Ribalta srl components.
* Replacement of any part of the wiring system must be carried out exclusively by professional
personnel in compliance with the original wiring diagram and with components identical to or
compatible with those originally fitted.
* Installation of this product must be exclusively carried out by professional personnel in
compliance with the safety norms in force in the country where the product is used.
Upon opening the packaging, please make sure it contains the following:
A. In case you bought just the followspot – item #11857580 Canto 1200msr FF 120V MK2
1. luminaire:
a. Followspot
b. Iris diaphragm
c. ø 28mm spigot with M12 self locking nut and plain washer
2. PSU:
a. 120V separate electronic ballast unit
B. In case you bought the complete kit – item #K11857580 packed in a flight‐case:
a. Follow‐spot
b. Electronic ballast unit
c. Iris diaphragm
d. ø28mm spigot with M12 self locking nut and plain washer
e. Colour‐changer, mounted on the followspot
f. Follow‐spot tripod
g. Philips MSR 1200 Gold Fast Fit lamp
A spigot is supplied in standard delivery for you to tripod‐mount your followspot.
• Make sure the tripod you are going to use features a top aperture over 28mm dia.
• Remove the M12 nut and the washer from the spigot.
• Insert the spigot in the central hole of the yoke of the followspot from beneath the yoke.
• Add the plain screw and the M12 self‐ locking nut and tighten the nut with a suitable tool.
• Mount the followspot on the tripod. Make sure the structure you are fixing the product to
can withstand the product load (see above list and product label).
Tel. +39 0376 771 777 – fax +39 0376 772 140 – email
[email protected] – web www.ldr.it
LDR Canto 1200msr FF 120V MK2 User's manual – 1.0
Luci della Ribalta srl, Via Berna 14, 46042 Castel Goffredo (MN) Italy
net weight kg 22.3
net weight kg 1.0
net weight kg 7,5
net weight kg 22,3
net weight kg 7.5
net weight kg 1.0
net weight kg 1.4
net weight kg 7.0