Support for CCD calibration was added in ColorFlex 1.9. If your scan-
ner came with version 1.9 or higher, then CCD calibration has been
done at the factory; we highly recommend that you do not repeat it
again yourself (recalibration is neither necessary or advisable). How-
ever, if you are upgrading your software for use with a scanner that
was delivered with an older version of ColorFlex, then you might want
to calibrate the CCD yourself if you are having trouble with striping as
described above.
Use the procedure below to calibrate your CCD sensor using ColorFlex.
Find or make a color negative original showing a clear blue sky, or
something similar. The original must not have too many sharp con-
tours in it.
Mount the original in the 36 x 24 (landscape) original holder and
set the original format in the Frame pop-up menu as usual.
Choose CCD calibration from the Maintenance menu. The CCD
calibration window appears.
Read the information provided in the CCD calibration window,
then click on Calibrate. The scanner will scan the image. When it is
done, mark the Use calibration checkbox, then click on Done.
(Note that if your scanner was calibrated at the factory, then a
warning will appear if you try to make a new CCD calibration. It is
possible to dismiss the warning and continue, but we do not rec-
ommend that you recalibrate.)
If it seems like the new CCD calibration only made your scans come out
worse, it is probably because your calibration image contained too
many contours.
Imacon Flextight Progression UserÕs Guide
Hardware ReferenceÑFlextight Progression
Calibrating the Scanner