Note that when the Zoom Þeld is set to an appropriate value for the
selected original size (as shown in the table above), then the DPI pop-
up menu shows an underline beneath each setting that will result in a
scan taken with a true resolution (no interpolation).
Portrait Versus Landscape for 35mm
The ßexible 35mm Þlm holder contains space for both a portrait and a
landscape positioning (see Figure 8). You can only use one of these at a
time. There are two options because, due to the orientation of the light
source and CCD inside the scanner, each of these two orientations has
slightly different properties.
¥ More light is allowed to pass in a landscape image because it is wide
in the same direction as the light source. This means that the scanner
can capture higher densities, which results in greater shadow detail.
However, the resolution when scanning in this orientation is limited
to 3200 dpi. If shadow details are more important than resolution,
then use the landscape (36x24) orientation (the top frame).
¥ In the portrait orientation, less light is able to pass through the origi-
nal, but the scanner is able to zoom to a higher resolution. Resolu-
tions of up to 5760 dpi are possible. If resolution (i.e. enlargement) is
more important than shadow details, then the portrait (24x36) orien-
tation (the bottom frame).
Imacon Flextight Progression UserÕs Guide
Hardware ReferenceÑFlextight Progression
Portrait Versus Landscape for 35mm