Owner's Warranty Responsibilities; Warranty Coverage - Troy-Bilt Storm 2620 Manual Del Operador

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Troy-Bilt LLC (Troy-Bilt) and The United States Environment Protection Agency (U. S. EPA)
Emission Control System Warranty Statement
(Owner's Defect Warranty Rights and Obligations)
The U. S. EPAand Troy-Biltare pleasedto explainthe emissionscontrolsystemwarrantyon yourmodelyear2005and latersmalloff-roadengine.
New smalloff-roadenginesmustbe designed,builtand equippedto meetthe stringentanti-smogstandards.Troy-Biltmustwarrantytheemission
controlsystemon your enginefor the periodof time listed below,providedtherehas been no abuse,neglector improper m aintenance of yoursmall
Youremissioncontrolsystemmay includepartssuch as the carburetor,air cleaner,ignitionsystem,exhaustsystem,and otherassociatedemis-
sion-related components.
Wherea warrantable conditionexists,Troy-Biltwill repairyour smalloff-roadengineat no cost to yourincludingdiagnosis,parts and labor.
This emissionscontrolsystemiswarrantedfor two years.If anyemission-related part on yourengine isdefective,the part will be repairedor
replacedby Troy-Bilt.
As the smalloff-roadengineowner,youare responsible forthe performance of the requiredmaintenance listed inyour Owner'sManual.Troy-Bilt
recommends that you retainall yourreceiptscoveringmaintenances on yoursmall off-roadengine,butTroy-Biltcan notdenywarrantysolely for the
lack of receiptsor foryour failureto ensurethe performanceto all scheduledmaintenance.
As the smalloff-roadengineowner,youshouldhoweverbe awarethat Troy-Biltmaydeny yourwarrantycoverageifyour smalloff-roadengineor
part hasfaileddue to abuse,neglect,impropermaintenance or unapprovedmodifications.
Youare responsible for presenting your lawnmowerto Troy-BiltLLC'sdistributioncenter or servicecenteras soonas the problemexists.Thewar-
ranty repairsshouldbe completedin a reasonableamountof time, notto exceed30 days. If you havea questionregardingyourwarrantycoverage,
youshouldcontactyourlocalTroy-Biltdealer.To reachthe Troy-BiltCustomerDealerReferralLine,pleasecall (866) 840-6483.
This sectionappliesto 1995and later smalloff-roadengines.The warrantyperiodbeginson the datethe engineor equipmentis deliveredto an
(a) GeneralEmissions WarrantyCoverag_e_
Troy-Biltmustwarrantto the ultimatepurchaserand eachsubsequentpurchaserthat the engineis:
(1) Designed,built,and equippedsoas to conformwith all applicableregulationsadoptedby the Air ResourcesBoardpursuantto itsauthorityin
Chapters1 and 2,Part 5, Division26 of the Healthand SafetyCode; and
(2) Freefrom defectsin materialsand workmanship that causethe failureof a warrantedpart to be identicalin all materialrespectsto the partas
describedin theengine manufacturer's applicationfor certificationfora periodof two years.
(b) The warrantyon emissions-related partswill be interpreted as follows:
(1) Anywarrantedpart that is not scheduledfor replacement a s requiredmaintenancein the writteninstructions requiredby Subsection(c)
mustbe warrantedfor the warrantyperioddefinedin Subsection(a)(2). If any such partfails duringthe periodof warrantycoverage,it mustbe
repairedor replacedby Troy-Biltaccordingto Subsection(4) below.Any such partrepairedor replacedunderthewarrantymustbe warranted
for the remainingwarrantyperiod.
(2) Any warrantedpartthat isscheduledonlyfor regularinspection i nthe writteninstructions requiredby Subsection(c) must be warrantedfor
thewarrantyperioddefinedin Subsection(a)(2).A statementin such writteninstructionsto the effectof "repairor replaceas necessary"will
not reducethe periodof warrantycoverage.Anysuch part repairedor replacedunderwarrantymustbe warrantedforthe remainingwarranty
(3) Anywarrantedpartthat whichisscheduledfor replacement a s requiredmaintenance in the writteninstructionsrequiredby Subsection(c)
mustbe warrantedfor the periodof time prior to the first scheduledreplacementpointforthat part. If the part fails priorto thefirst scheduled
replacement, t he part mustbe repaired or replacedby Troy-Biltaccordingto Subsection(4) below.Any such part repairedor replacedunder
warrantymustbe warrantedfor the remainderof the period priorto the first scheduledreplacementpointfor the part.
(4) Repairor replacement o f any warrantedpartunder thewarrantyprovisionsof this article mustbe performedat no chargeto the ownerat a
(5) Notwithstanding the provisionsof Subsection(4) above,warrantyservicesor repairsmustbe providedat all Troy-Biltdistributioncentersthat
are franchisedto servicethe subjectengines.
(6) Theownermustnot be chargedfor diagnosticlabor that leadsto thedeterminationthat a warranted part isin fact defective,providedthat
such diagnosticwork isperformedat a warrantystation.
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