Operating instructions and warnings
Gate is closed
Gate is open
Opening under way
Closing under way
While in step-by-step mode, the control board awaits further instructions after a start command
Stop command received
Sic1 or sic2 activated while working in barrier mode
They point out that the gate has exceeded:
- (Err1), the max allowed number of reversals (50) without
ever reaching the end of stroke (or stop) while closing;
- (Err2) the max number of uninterrupted operations
(10) of the anti-crush safety device; therefore an
"emergency maneuver" is under way: the control
board sets the motors in a slow down phase and sear-
ches the stops (or ends of stroke) in order to reset the
positioning system. Once the stops (or ends of stroke)
while closing are found again the message disappears
and the control board awaits further instructions "----"
and then resumes working normally.
External photocells and/or safety devices are activated
or out of order
The motors are not connected or signals control
board failure
The control board power supply voltage has exceeded
the allowed range
Possible motor overheating due to obstacles hindering
the gate/door movement. The control board does not
respond to instructions
Impact in the opening/closing area
In order to avoid being crushed by the gate wing in the clo-
sing area, install a pair of photocells (A) (recommended height:
500 mm) in order to detect the presence of the test parallelepiped
(B) (height: 700 mm) positioned as shown in F11 on Page 48.
Note. The presence detection test sample is a paralle-
Type of control
Person-present control
Pulse control with the
gate in sight
Pulse control with the gate
not in sight
Automatic control
(i.e. control with timed closing)
Remember that anyone who sells and/or motorises doors/gates becomes the manufacturer of the automatic door/gate
machine and must therefore prepare and preserve a technical folder that contains the following documents (see Machinery
Directive Enclosure V):
• Assembly drawing of the automatic door/gate;
• Electrical connection and control circuit wiring diagram;
• Risk analysis including: a list of the essential safety requirements provided in Machinery Directive Enclosure I; a list of the risks
posed by the door/gate and the description of the solutions adopted.
• Keep these operating instructions in a safe place together with the instructions for all the other components;
• Prepare these operating instructions and general safety warnings (by filling in these operating instructions) and hand a copy
to the final user;
• Fill in the maintenance handbook and hand a copy to the final user;
• Draft the CE declaration of conformity and hand a copy to the final user;
• Fill in the complete CE label or plate and apply it to the door/gate.
Note: The technical folder must be preserved for inspection by the competent national authorities for at least ten years from the
date of construction of the automatic door/gate.
Informed users
(private areas)
Pushbutton control
Force limitation or
presence detectors
Force limitation or
presence detectors
Force limitation and photocells
or presence detectors
In case the gate is not properly closed after the emergency maneuver (maybe
because of false stops or obstacles due to mechanical frictions), proceed as
- Disconnect the power supply, check manually that no particular frictions and/
or obstacles are present during the complete stroke of both leafs. Leave both
leafs half-open.
- Connect the power supply again and subsequently give a start pulse. At this
point both leafs will start to close in slow down phase until reaching the stop (or
end of stroke). Make sure that the maneuver is properly completed. Adjust force
and motor speed values, if needed.
If the gate keeps working inappropriately
morization procedure
Make sure that all safety devices and/or photocells installed are working pro-
Make sure that the motors are properly connected. If the message reappears
change the control board.
Make sure the power supply voltage on the faston connection no. 29-30 is 22 V
a.c.+/-10% and on faston no. 27-28 is 27 V d.c.+/-10%.
Remove any obstacle and wait until the message "Err6" is replaced by message
"bLOC" and the control board responds to instructions again (a few seconds)
lepiped with 3 sides having light-coloured reflecting sur-
faces and 3 sides having dark-coloured, opaque surfaces.
Make sure there is no conflict when the photocells are
installed on both sides. The system working on the gate side
where the test sample is positioned must detect all test objects
Type of use
Informed users
(public areas)
Pushbutton control with key
Force limitation or
presence detectors
Force limitation and photocells
or presence detectors
Force limitation and photocells
or presence detectors
Possible solutions
try to repeat the motor stroke me-
Uninformed users
The person-present control
is not possible
Force limitation and photocells
or presence detectors
Force limitation and photocells
or presence detectors
Force limitation and photocells
or presence detectors