The points and their localization
Source point
R 3 (taixi/Rivulus maior)
At the center of the connecting line between the inner malleolus and the Achilles tendon at the level of the inner
Luo point
R 4 (dazhong/Campana magna)
Diagonally below and behind the inner malleolus on the inner edge of the Achilles tendon in an indentation on
the upper edge of the heel
Shu point
V 23 (shenshu/Inductorium renale)
1.5 cun lateral to the medial line of the body at the level of the space between the spines of the 2nd and 3rd
lumbar vertebrae
Mu point
F 25 (jingmen/Porta pyramidis)
On the lower edge of the abdominal end of the 12th rib
The points of the pericardium-meridian (shou jue yin)
Concentration point
Pc 9 (zhongchong/Impedimentale medium)
On the tip of the middle finger. Another description says, "in the center beneath the finger nail of the middle
finger". The point "ulnar nail crease" must be taken as an alternative
Dispersion point
Pc 7 (daling/Tumulus magnus)
In the center of the wrist crease between the tendons of the Palmaris longus muscle and the Flexor carpi radialis
Source point
Pc 7(see above)
Luo point
Pc 6 (neiguan/Clusa interna)
2 cun proximal to the wrist crease, likewise between the tendons of the M. palmaris longus and the M. flexor
carpi radialis
Shu point
V 14 (jueyinshu/Inductorium yin flectentis)
1.5 cun lateral to the medial line of the body at the level of the inferior edge of the spine of the 4th thoracic
Mu point
Rs 17 (danzhong/Atrium pectoris)
At the center of the sternum at the level of the nipples or the 4th intercostal space respectively
The points of the meridian of the triple calefactor (shou shao yang)
Concentration point
T 3 (zhongzhu/Insula media)
On the back of the hand, between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bone, proximal to the metacarpophalangeal
joint, in an indentation
Dispersion point
T 10 (tianjing/Puteus caelestis)
In an indentation, 1 cun proximal to the olecranal tip, which is located with the lower arm slightly bent
Source point
T 4 (yangchi/Stagnum yang)
On the back of the hand, between the 4th and 5 th metacarpal bone, in an indentation lateral to the tendon of
the M. extensor digitorum communis
Luo point
T 5 (waiguan/Clusa externa)
2 cun proximal of T 4, between radius and ulna
Shu point
V 22 (sanjiaoshu/Inductorium tricalorii)
1,5 cun lateral to the central line of the body, level with the bottom edge of the spinous process of the 2nd
lumbar vertebra
Mu point
Rs 5 (shimen/Porta lapidae)
2 cun below the center of the navel
The points of the gall (bladder)-meridian (zou shao yang)
Concentration point
F 43 (jiaxi/Rivulus coercitus)
Between the proximal joints of the 4th and 5th toes in an indentation 0.5 cun behind the interdigital crease
Dispersion point
F 38 (yangfu/Subsidia yang)
4 cun superior to the lateral malleolus on the anterior edge of the fibula
Source point
F 40 (qiuxu/Agger monticuli)
Anterior and inferior to the lateral malleolus in an indentation lateral to the tendon of the extensor
digitorum longus muscle
Luo point
F 37 (guangming/Lumen ac splendor)
5 cun superior to the lateral malleolus on the anterior edge of the fibula
Shu point
V 19 (danshu/Inductorium felleum)
1.5 cun lateral to the medial line of the body below the spine of the 10th thoracic vertebra
Mu point
F 23 (zhejin/Atrium axillae)
In the 4th intercostal space, 1 cun in front of point F 22 (3 cun below the extension of the axillary line with the
arm at the side)
The points of the liver-meridian (zou jue yin)
Concentration point
H 8 (ququan/Fons curvus)
At the end of the medial knee joint crease with the knee joint bent in an indentation at the muscle edge of the
semimembranosus and the semitendinosus muscle
Dispersion point
H 2 (xingjian/Interstitium ambulatorium)
Between the 1st and 2nd toes next to the proximal joint of the second toe 0.5 cun proximal to the
interdigital crease
Source point
H 3 (taichong/Impedimentale maius)
1.5 cun proximal to the proximal joint of the big toe in the angle between the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bone
Luo point
H 5 (ligou/Canalis teredinis)
5 cun above the inner malleolus in the region of the medial edge of the tibia
Shu point
V 18 (ganshu/Inductorium hepaticum)
1.5 cun lateral to the medial line of the body below the spine of the 9th thoracic vertebra
Mu point
H 14 (qimen/Conquisitorium hepaticum)
At the 6th intercostal space on the mamillary line
The points and their localization