IMPORTANT: The manual you are reading contains fundamental information
regarding the safety measures to be adopted when installing and starting up. It
is therefore of utmost importance that both the installer and the user read the
instructions before assembling and starting up.
These symbols (
following the corresponding instructions.
DANGER. Electrocution risk.
Non-compliance with this instruction involves a risk of electrocution.
. Non-compliance with this instruction involves a risk of danger to
people or things.
ging the pump or the unit.
• The machines mentioned in this manual are especially designed to carry out
the pre-filtration and the circulation of water in swimming pools. They are
pumps designed for large flows at low pressure.
• They are designed to work with clean water at a temperature that does not
exceed 40ºC.
• Installation should be carried out in accordance with the specific indications
for each step.
• The regulations in force for the prevention of accidents should be heeded.
• Any modification that may be made to the pump requires the previous autho-
risation of the manufacturer. The original manufacturer-authorised spares and
accessories guarantee greater safety. The pump manufacturer is exempt
from all responsibility for damage caused by the use of unauthorised spares
or accessories.
• During operation the electrical parts of the pump are live. Work can only be
carried out on each machine or on connected-equipment after having discon-
nected them from the electrical supply network and having disconnected the
starting mechanisms.
• The user must make sure that assembly and maintenance work is carried out
by qualified and authorised people who have previously carefully read the
installation and service instructions.
) represent the possibility of danger as a result of not
. Non-compliance with this instruction involves a risk of dama-