Shortcuts: the UP selection key directly enters the Audio player,
the DOWN selection key for go to settings, the LEFT selection
key for Profiles, while the RIGHT selection key for Alarm.
Main menu:By pressing the left soft key to access the Main
Menu on your phone
- Messaging:To write and read SMS text messages
- Phonebook: To manage and save contacts
- Calls History: Missed calls and dialed calls etc.
- First Aid Settings:To enable and customize the SOS function
- Multimedia: Audio player, sound recorder, and file manager
- FM Radio:To turn on or turn off the radio
- Tools: With calendar, alarm, calculator,flashlight and STK etc.
- Settings: To customize your phone
Answer an incoming call: When there's an incoming call, the
phone will notify you through vibration, ringing according to your
profiles settings. The name (if the contact is saved) and phone
number of the caller is shown on the screen.
Answer a call by pressing the call button.
Makea call: To make a call from the home screen, input the
desired number by using the keypad and then press the green