Test the hand dryer for normal operation:
– Place your hands beneath the centre of
the tap and water will flow automatically
for as long as the hands remain in place.
– Place your hands to either side of the
centre tap to activate the hand dryer,
creating sheets of air to scrape water from
your hands.
– Move your hands backwards and forwards
slowly through the air, turning them over
so both back and front are exposed to
the airflow.
Hand dryer fails to start:
– Check fuse/circuit breaker is working
and that the power and water supply
are connected.
– Ensure the cleaning cap is removed
and that the sensors are clean
and unobstructed.
– Turn the unit off and on.
Hand dryer turns itself on and
off erratically:
– Turn the unit off and on.
– Ensure there is no plug in the sink and
remove if plug is present.
– Ensure sensors are clean.
– Check that the sensor cable from the tap
is securely connected.
Hand dryer sometimes cuts out in use:
– Turn the unit off and on.
– Ensure sensors are clean.
– Check the air inlets are clean and free
of dust. If the air inlets are dusty simply
remove dust.
– Ensure that the air inlets are free from
obstructions and have sufficient clearance.
The dry time has increased:
– Inspect the air inlets for dust and remove.
– Inspect filter and change if required.
– Ensure that the hose is securely attached
to the base of the tap and no leaks
are present.
The airflow is running hotter than usual:
– Inspect the air inlets for dust and remove.
– Inspect filter and change if required.
– Ensure that the hose is securely attached
to the base of the tap and no leaks
are present.
Air is continuously running:
– Check for any object in the sink and
remove if necessary.
– Ensure sensors are clean and free from
any obstructions.
– Inspect filter and change if required.
– Ensure that the hose is securely attached
to the base of the tap and no leaks
are present.
There is no air running:
– Turn the unit off and on.
– Check fuse/circuit breaker is working and
that the power is connected.
– Ensure sensors are clean.
– Ensure that the air hose is securely
attached to the base of the tap and no
leaks are present.
– Check that the sensor cable from the tap
is securely connected.
Water is continuously coming from
the tap:
– Ensure sensors are clean and free from
any obstructions.
There is no water coming from the tap:
– Ensure that the power and water supplies
are turned on and that the isolation valve
is open.
– Ensure that the aerator is free from debris,
remove and clean/replace if necessary.
The water coming from the tap is overly
hot or cold:
– Check the thermostatic mixing valve is set
to the desired temperature.
Contact Dyson Customer Care for further
support and information:
Australia Contact: 1800 426 337 or
New Zealand contact: 0800 397 667