b) The joints of the pipes should be "soft" capillary welded using a tin-silver alloy, which ensures a good seal at temperatures of 125 º C.
c) The joints of the pipes with brass junctions with ends that can be welded and threaded of a diameter suitable for the pipe and valve.
d) Joints at delicate point, given the possibility that they may reach high temperatures, and the joints with the system will be made by compression
screw elements.
e) The installation of pipes back to the collectors, where the fluid has a temperature below that of the flow fluid will take place in such a way
that are not affected by the catchment area of the heat source of the flow circuit, this will mean that in the vertical this duct runs at a lower
level and with a minimum insulation distance from the generator of 4 cm. Avoiding thermal bridges between the two conduits.
f) Conduits will run preferably as close as possible and parallel to the vertical and horizontal walls, maintaining a separation of 5 cm from the
insulation generation.
g) The laying of pipes both of both DHW and drainage will be made with a slope of 0.2%.
h) The bushings will be made with materials that allow for thermal expansion of the conduit without mechanical alteration.
i) The fixing of the pipes is carried out with metal flange clamps, encompassing thermal insulation but causing no damage on it. In the section
fitted with an expansion Joint, the flanges act as horizontal supports, allowing the lengthwise expansion of the conduit.
j) The fixing devices are distributed at a distance of 1.8 m for horizontal sections and 1.5 m in vertical sections.
k) Conduit curves are performed using 90-degree curved sleeves, avoiding the installation of elbows.
l) The installation of the fixings will be conducted in such a way as to permit conduit expansion without affecting the mechanics of change of
m) The layout of these conduits will run as close to the ground (making derivations of each row of collectors at the height of the structural
support of the row) in the catchment area and below it until reaching the engine room.
Risk during thermal fluid refilling.
The filling procedure should be carried out when solar radiation is at its weakest as they components may be very hot. It is recommended that
the system be covered during assembly.
Filling and maintenance operations should be conducted with the photovoltaic cell covered or with the system covered, to avoid the pump
operating and/or working at dangerous temperatures or a health hazard.
In the event of internal system cleaning, ensure that no remains are left in the collector. These may damage it. The collector must always be
refilled with original anti-freeze.
Remove protective film from cover before exposing to sun.
Observation! In accordance with energy saving regulations, all solar panel connection pipes, accumulator hydraulic support pipes and domestic hot water
pipes must be equipped with thermal insulation to avoid energy loss.
Orkli S.Coop. recommends installing a thermometer or calorimeter at the auxiliary system inlet so that the user can observe the behaviour of collector
All possible alternatives must be borne in mind in each case with the aim of obtaining the best equipment performance, whilst not forgetting assembly
safety (excess loads on roofs, wind, snow, etc.), architectural integration and maintenance access.
It is also important to consider the distance of the solar equipment from supply points and/or domestic hot water auxiliary production equipment.
External shadows should be avoided on the collector should be avoided as much as the location permits, adjoining buildings, chimneys, tall vegetation,
accentuated orography, etc.
If the system installation is not integrated in the roof and there are more than one collector the minimum distance between collectors must be taken
into account to avoid shadows. The following is a proposed method for calculating 'optimum' separation distances.
d = h x k
User Manual - 23