2. Connect the capsule inlet to the reservoir containing the 1 M NaOH solution.
3. Open the capsule vent.
To reduce the risks associated with chemical exposure due to pressure barrier failure,
connector failure, purifi cation media or capsule failure from use of disinfectants within the
product: Do not pressurize the capsule more than 5 psi during introduction of NaOH solution
and static soak during sanitization.
4. When fl uid emerges from the vent, close the vent while simultaneously opening the outlet valve
5. When fl uid emerges from the capsule outlet, stop the fl ow and close the capsule outlet valve.
6. Allow the capsule to incubate with the 1 M NaOH solution. Incubation time should not exceed 1 hour.
7. After the incubation is complete, drain the NaOH solution from the capsule.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do not blow down the 3M™ Emphaze™ AEX Hybrid Purifi er capsules
after NaOH sanitization procedure.
4.B. Required Preconditioning Flush Procedure for the Pre-use NaOH Sanitized Capsules
To reduce the risk of product loss associated with a) chemical release from purifi cation media,
and b) nullifi cation of Supplier's USP<88> Class VI compliance of fi lter capsule components:
After pre-use NaOH sanitization, fl ush the system with appropriate aqueous buff er until the
pH range of 5 to 9 has been attained and monitor the pH of the capsule effl uent to determine
when the baseline has been reach (e.g., ± 0.5 pH units from the pH of the buff er used to fl ush the
Perform Required Preconditioning Flush procedure as described in Section 2.A.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do not blow down with a gas the 3M Emphaze AEX Hybrid Purifi er
capsules after preconditioning fl ush procedure.
4.C. Single-stage Use
Perform Single-Stage Use as described in Section 2.B.
4.D. Two-stage Use
Perform Two-Stage Use as described in Section 2.C.
5. Disposal
1. After fl uid processing is complete, drain the fl uid from the capsule until the internal pressure on the
capsule is reduced to 0 bar (0 psig).
2. Drain any remaining fl uid from the system and remove the external connections from the inlet,
outlet, and vent.
To reduce the risk of fl uid exposure:
• Evaluate the risk of your process liquids and determine an appropriate protocol to dispose of
spent capsules and all other waste.
• Dispose of capsules and all other waste in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations or
your local country's laws and regulations.