The vacuum cleaner is disassembled when delivered. It comes with a confi guration kit contained in the
packaging that allows the user to choose between:
Confi guration 1 cyclonic (bagless) suction with service suction socket: the customer can choose
to assemble the service suction socket directly on one side of the appliance which allows connecting
a fl exible suction hose rather than vacuum cleaning through the piping network. With no additional
connection, the functioning of the socket is controlled by the computer of the central vacuum cleaner
through two simple buttons. This allows an easy cleaning of the areas close to the central vacuum unit.
Confi guration 2 bag suction the customer chooses to use the system with the bag suction option. In
this confi guration, the air is fi ltered through a microfi ber bag featuring high-fi ltering performance and the
system's fi lter does not need any maintenance. With this confi guration, the connection to the standard
dust collection socket of the piping network will be closed with a lid delivered with the equipment.
In both confi gurations the central vacuum unit is equipped with an innovative clog-sensing system, i.e. a
pressure transducer that gauges the vacuum inside the dust collection bin (cylinder). When the vacuum
falls below a certain pre-set alarm level value, the transducer sends a signal to the control board which
displays a warning message for the user.
In confi guration 2 with bag suction, the control board, by means of the display, will show a signal re-
questing the bag replacement when the vacuum gauged inside the dust collection bin (cylinder) exceeds
a pre-set warning level.
The fi ltering action is carried out by means of a washable cone-shaped fi lter made of polyester and
aluminium fi bre; the fi lter is certifi ed as M-Class fi lter. On its upper side, made of metal, a connection
is fi tted to allow the dispersion of the static electricity accumulated on the fi lter through the central unit
grounding. In this way, the dust will not stick to the walls of the fi lter thus signifi cantly reducing mainte-
nance needs.
The interface with the user and the management of the operating mode of the central vacuum cleaner
are run by a smart computer with dedicated software.
In fact, Tecno R-EVOLUTION vacuum cleaner adopts an innovative control and routine maintenance
system based on a printed circuit board with microchip connected to a pressure sensor and program-
med to easily and immediately interact with the user. Maintenance can be individually programmed by
the user who will receive messages about the machine status directly on a user-friendly graphic display,
as well as suggestions about actions to be taken in case of malfunctioning. Thanks to the pressure sen-
sor, the indications shown are not mere approximations but indicate the real conditions of the system.
Remember that all confi gurations of the Tecno R-EVOLUTION vacuum cleaner, can be obtained with
any electrical power supply size, either with single or double suction motor.
A more detailed description about the operating sequence, the various settings and viable entries and
their correct carrying out will be set out in the following chapters.
21/01/16 Rev:3.0.0