Honeywell DFS8MS Instrucciones De Instalación

Honeywell DFS8MS Instrucciones De Instalación

Detector de humo inalámbrico
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  • ESPAÑOL, página 9

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DFS8MS – Installation instructions
Wireless smoke detector
The DFS8MS is an optical wireless smoke
detector. It is equipped with a siren and LED
light for local notification of alarms, and
services acting as an early warning device.
When several DFS8MS are placed in the
same facility, they are automatically
connected.The number of interconnected
DFS8MS detectors must not exceed 12
When one interconnected device detects
smoke, all detectors on the system are
triggered. It is not necessary for smoke to
reach each detector for them to be triggered.
A DFS8MS system is a genuine early detection and warning system
Location of the smoke detector
A single smoke detector will guarantee a certain amount of protection if correctly
installed but most homes will require two or more to ensure reliable and timely
warning. To obtain the recommended level of protection, install a smoke detector in
every room where there is a potential fire risk (except for the kitchen or bathroom).
If a single smoke detector is installed, it must be located between the sleeping area
and the sources most exposed to risk of fire (living room, hallway near to the kitchen,
for example) but not more than 7.5 metres from a room where there is risk of fire
occurring and blocking your evacuation. Check that the sound emitted is loud enough
to wake the occupants of the bedroom.
If your home has more than one floor, you should install at least one smoke detector
per floor.
If your home occupies just one floor, it is preferable to place the detector in a corridor
or hallway located between sleeping areas and living rooms. Place it as close as
possible to living rooms but check that it is loud enough to wake anyone in the
Positioning of smoke detectors
Smoke generally rises to the ceiling and then spreads horizontally. The best place to
install the detector is therefore in the centre of the room. Install smoke detectors over
30 cm away from the walls and corners. Also, install the device at least 30 cm away
from light fittings or decorations that could prevent the smoke from reaching the smoke
detector. If the ceiling is sloped or cone shaped, install the smoke detector less than
60 cm from the summit (measured vertically). If this height is less than 60 cm, the
ceiling shall be considered flat for the purposes of smoke alarms.
Places to avoid
• Bathrooms, kitchens, showers, garages or other rooms where there is a risk of a
smoke detector being triggered by steam, condensation, smoke emissions or
normal emissions. Make sure you install the device over 6m away from sources of
smoke emissions/ normal emissions.
• Keep the detector away from very dusty or dirty areas, because a deposit of dust in
the room may reduce performance. It may also obstruct the anti-insect screen and
prevent smoke from entering the smoke detector chamber.
• Do not install the device in areas infested with insects. If small insects enter the
smoke detector chamber, they may trigger intermittent alarms.
• Places where the normal temperature can exceed 40°C or fall below 0°C (that is to
say lofts, boiler rooms, above ovens or kettles, etc.) as this can cause the untimely
triggering of alarms.
• Near decorations, doors, light fightings, window frames, etc., which can prevent
smoke from reaching the detector.
• Surfaces that are generally colder or hotter than the rest of the room (e.g. attic
hatches). Temperature differences may prevent smoke from reaching the device.
• Near to or above heaters or air conditioning vents windows wall mounted
ventilation grills, etc. that can cause changes in the direction of air flows.
• In very high or hard to access areas (e.g. staircase roofs) where you may find it
difficult to reach the detector (to test it, turn it off or replace the battery).
• Place the device over 1m away from dimmer lights and their wiring, due to the risk
of interference.
• Place the device over 1.5m away from fluorescent light fittings because "parasites"
of electrical origin and their flickering may affect the functioning of the device.
Installation procedure
1. Choose a location in accordance with the advice given in the paragraph "Location
of the smoke alarm" and "Positioning of the smoke alarm"
2. Place the mounting plate on the ceiling at the precise location where you want to
install the detector. With a pencil, mark the location of the two screw holes.
3. Making sure you avoid any electrical wiring present in the ceiling, pierce a hole with
a drill bit in the centre of the locations marked. Insert the plastic dowels into the
holes made. Screw the mounting plate to the ceiling (screws provided). Make sure
you protect the detection chamber against dust during operation. You may also use
the double sided adhesive (specified by Honeywell) and fix the base to the surface.
32322292-001 Rev.A
Note: do not use the adhesive unless the surface is smooth and clean.
4. Carefully align the device to the base with the help of marks, and turn it as shown in
figure 3; then turn it again clockwise (see figure 1b).
(Note: to remove the alarm from the ceiling, turn it anti-clockwise; see figure 1a).
5. Press the test button to check the alarm is working, as shown in figure 4.
6. With a 10 year battery, the radio button is no longer necessary. The registration
period is automatically triggered upon activation of the DSF8M (see figure 2).
Figure 1b
Figure 1a
Test button
Align the marks on the base of
the hood and turn to run the
Figure 3
Securing the alarms
The head of the smoke detector may be secured to prevent any unauthorised removal.
Break the little spur located on the base of the detector, as indicted in figure 5. To
remove the detector head, it will now be necessary to use a small screwdriver to
release the ratchet (pushing it upwards), then unscrew the box (see figure 6).
It is possible, when required, to secure the detector head further by using a self-
tapping screw (from 2 to 3 mm in diameter by 6 to 8 mm long, not supplied) to fix the
head firmly to the mounting plate (see figure 7).
Fix the head of the smoke detector to the mounting plate. Align the screw (not
supplied) to the hollow U-shaped zone illustrated in figure 7 and screw it tight.
To remove the smoke detector head from the ceiling, start by removing the screw.
Then, using a small screwdriver, release the ratchet (pushing it upwards), then
the head of the detector by turning it anti-clockwise.
Breakage of the locking stud
Figure 5
Figure 7
- 1 -
The antenna
Figure 2
Mounting plate
Smoke detector
Figure 4
Push the ratchet upwards and turn the
alarm anti-clockwise to remove it
Figure 6

Resumen de contenidos para Honeywell DFS8MS

  • Página 1 Screw the mounting plate to the ceiling (screws provided). Make sure you protect the detection chamber against dust during operation. You may also use the double sided adhesive (specified by Honeywell) and fix the base to the surface. 32322292-001 Rev.A...
  • Página 2 "Siren test/ stop" button to control your detectors The DFS8MS detector is equipped with a "siren test/stop" button to help you control it. • To cancel an alarm, press the test button. The alarm will remain silent for about 10 minutes.
  • Página 3 Geräte Rauch feststellt, werden alle Detektoren Abbildung 4 dargestellt. des Systems ausgelöst. Die Detektoren werden auch ausgelöst, wenn der Rauch nicht alle von ihnen erreicht. Ein DFS8MS-System ist ein 6. Mit einer 10-jährigen Batterie ist die Funktaste nicht mehr notwendig. Die authentisches Früherfassungs- und Frühwarnsystem Erfassungsperiode wird automatisch bei Aktivierung des DSF8M ausgelöst (siehe...
  • Página 4 Minuten stummgeschaltet. Die rote Leuchte am Oberteil des Rauchmelders blinkt alle 10 Sekunden, um anzuzeigen, dass die Einheit stummgeschaltet wurde. Falls der DFS8MS nach 10 Minuten weiterhin Rauch feststellt, wird er den Alarm erneut auslösen. Wenn in einer vernetzten Konfiguration ein DFS8MS nach der Feststellung von Rauch stummgeschaltet wird, werden alle anderen DFS8MS ebenfalls stummgeschaltet.
  • Página 5: Procédure D'installation

    DSF8M (voir figure 2). tous les détecteurs du système se déclenchent. Il n'est pas nécessaire que la fumée atteigne chacun des détecteurs pour qu'ils se déclenchent. Un système DFS8MS est un véritable système de détection et d'avertissement précoce Emplacement du détecteur de fumée Un détecteur de fumée unique garantira une certaine protection s'il est correctement...
  • Página 6 10 minutes. Le voyant rouge sur le capot de l'alarme fumée clignotera toutes les 10 secondes pour indiquer que l'unité a été réduite au silence. Si, au bout de 10 minutes, le DFS8MS continue de détecter de la fumée, il déclenchera à nouveau l'alarme.
  • Página 7 5. Druk op de testknop om te controleren of het alarm werkt, zie afbeelding 4. ze alle te activeren. Een DFS8MS-systeem is een echt systeem voor vroegtijdige detectie en waarschuwing 6. De batterij heeft een levensduur van 10 jaar. De radioknop is dus niet langer noodzakelijk.
  • Página 8 10 minuten stil. Het rode lampje op de kap van het rookalarm knippert om de 10 seconden om aan te geven dat de eenheid stil is. Als de DFS8MS na 10 minuten rook blijft waarnemen, wordt het alarm nogmaals geactiveerd.
  • Página 9: Introducción

    No es necesario que el humo llegue hasta cada uno de los detectores para que estos se activen. El sistema DFS8MS es un auténtico sistema de alerta y detección 6. Gracias a la batería, que tiene una vida útil de 10 años, el botón de radio ya no es temprana necesario.
  • Página 10: Mantenimiento

    En una configuración interconectada, cuando un DFS8MS se silencia tras detectar humo, los demás DFS8MS también lo hacen. A la inversa, si se pulsa el botón de prueba de un DFS8MS que no ha detectado humo, no se silenciará ninguno de los detectores DFS8MS.
  • Página 11 é acionado automaticamente após a ativação do DSF8M (ver acionados. Não é necessário que o fumo Figura 2). atinja os detetores para que estes sejam acionados. Um sistema DFS8MS é um sistema genuíno de deteção precoce e de aviso Localização do detetor de fumo Se for instalado corretamente, um detetor de fumo garante um determinado nível de...
  • Página 12 DFS8MS continuar a detetar fumo, aciona o alarme novamente. Numa configuração interligada, quando um DFS8MS é desligado depois de detetar fumo, todos os DFS8MS são desligados. Pelo contrário, se premir o botão de teste de um DFS8MS que não tenha detetado fumo, os outros detetores DFS8MS não serão desligados.
  • Página 13 DFS8MS rilevatori sul sistema. Non è necessario che il DSF8M (vedere figura 2). fumo raggiunga ogni rilevatore per attivarlo. Un sistema DFS8MS è una vera rilevazione precoce e un sistema di allarme Posizione del rilevatore di fumo Un singolo rilevatore di fumo garantirà una certa quantità di protezione se correttamente installato, ma la maggior parte delle case ne richiederà...
  • Página 14 DFS8MS viene disattivato. Al contrario, premendo un pulsante di test di un DFS8MS che non ha rilevato fumo non si disattiverà il suono di nessun altro DFS8MS. Il DFS8MS la cui spia rossa lampeggia velocemente è...