Unit protection devices
Type of safety device
Pressure switch on water
Anti-Freeze Protection
Delayed compressor start
Delayed compressor stop
Start Acceleration Limit
During functioning in heat pump heating mode, the unit performs defrost cycles to eliminate any ice that might form at low
temperatures inside the outdoor unit.
Cleaning the coil
If necessary, proceed as follows for more careful cleaning
of the coil:
Switch the mains supply OFF.
Remove unit top cover by losening the fixing screws and
lifting the cover. Carefully clean the coil with a vacuum
cleaner from inside to outside. With the same vacuum
cleaner, remove the dust from inside the fan compartment
and the fan blades. Avoid any damage to the blades which
may cause future vibrations and noise.
Replace the unit cover and tighten the screws.
The operation must be performed by qualified personnel.
Refrigerant charge check
This check becomes necessary after any refrigerant leak or
after replacement of the compressor.
The best method to correctly charge refrigerant is to
completely empty the refrigerant circuit using refrigerant
recovery equipment.
Then charge the exact quantity of refrigerant according
to the data shown on the unit nameplate and always
considering the additional charges listed on the charge
Switch on pressure
Adjustable from 2 to 6 °C
6 accelerations/h
R-410A systems must be charged with liquid refrigerant.
Use the special recharging equipment (normally on the
market) to control the refrigerant correctly.
software controlled
180 s max
180 s