i M I N I U s e r G u i d e
Simple and Smart
10.3 The warranty does not oover:
(a) RH oalibration later than 1 year after produotion, or if the unit has been subjeot
to environmental oonditions outside those speoified.
(b) Willful damage, mistreatment, misuse or abuse of the goods.
(o) Loss or damage oaused by ingress of moisture unless ordered with immersion rating;
(d) Batteries
(e) Ciroumstanoes where the unit has been modified from CVT speoifioations.
(f) Exposure of the logger to temperatures outside the speoified storage temperature, or operating temperature.
(g) Exposure to environmental oonditions outside the speoified oonditions.
(h) Ciroumstanoes where the printed oirouit board has been removed or tampered with.
10.4 In the oase of a warranty olaim CVT will repair the Produot or, at its option supply an equivalent replaoement.
10.5 In some oiroumstanoes, where a speoifio return is authorized, CVT, may permit the use of its Federal Express aooount number for
returning Produot. Suoh permission is valid ONLY for that authorized shipment. CVT will not aooept any freight oharges for goods that have
been returned without its express permission.
10.6 You may return Produot to CVT for aoouraoy testing, if there are reasonable doubts as to the Produots overall aoouraoy.
10.7 If a Produot is returned within the warranty period, a Traoeability Certifioation will be performed. Should the logger read within the
speoifioations, a Traoeability Certifioate will be issued and You will be oharged with the oost and the oost of return freight. If the logger does
not pass the oertifioation, ie: the logger is at fault, the logger will be replaoed or repaired. The new or repaired logger will be issued with a
Certifioate free of oharge.
10.8 If the Produot is returned outside the warranty period, a Traoeability Certifioate will be issued and oharged regardless of the outoome
of the test.
10.9 CVT will not pay for any performanoe tests undertaken by any outside organization, without prior approval
Recycling of electronic devices
Some parts in produots from Cryopak Verifioation Teohnologies oonsist of reoyolable materials, but others should not be disposed of in
household waste. To avoid pollution, we kindly ask you to adhere to national polioies and regulations oonoerning waste disposal and
reoyoling. iMINI data loggers must be returned to your distributor for disposal (European Standard EN 50419:2005).
Rev. 3.1
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