Sensor Maintenance; Special Notes For Humidity Imini Use; Warranty Information - Cryopak iMINI Guía De Usuario

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i M I N I U s e r G u i d e
It is advised NOT to unscrew the iMINI data loggers. It can lead to many issues such as: accuracy error, static charge to
damage CPU, LCD damage and ultimately it will void the warranty of the unit.
Sensor Maintenance
No maintenance required, internal sensor is sealed inside the logger.
External sensors must be cleaned for accurate temperature readout. Sensor should be residue free. Solid deposits, sticky
stuff or adhesive tapes must be removed. Use isopropyl alcohol or other cleaning agent to clean the external sensor if
necessary. Cleaner the sensor, better the response time.
Do not expose the logger's humidity window in direct contact with liquid or heavy moisture. Humidity window must be clean
and without any residues.
Special Notes for humidity iMINI uses
Humidity loggers have wide horizontal slots on the too of lid gjust below lug). The digital humidity and
temoerature sensor is right underneath it, soldered directly on PCBA. Please note,
The IP rating of this logger is IP51 so olease take extra orecautions in olacement of logger.
Avoid direct contact of liquid/water gotherwise PCBA will get corroded).
If excessive moisture is oresent in measuring environment, it is advised to olace the logger in
uoside down oosition, where the lug is on bottom. in this oosition the extra moisture will remain on
the bottom instead of bleeding on PCBA.
Warranty information
9.1 CVT's warranties in respeot of the Produots are:
(a) The warranties and oonditions implied by the Uniform Commeroial Code
Artiole 2, Part 3 312(Warranty of Title and Against Infringement), 313-2(b) (sale by desoription) and 314-2, 315 (merohantable quality); or
(b) A speoifio warranty or Produot speoifioation inoluded in the Order Confirmation or on the CVT website www.oryopak.oom.
9.2 The warranty in subolause 9.1 is to the exolusion of all other warranties, oonditions and liabilities wherever expressed or implied and
whether arising in oontraot, oourt or by statute or otherwise.
9.3 No representation in relation to the Produots shall be binding on CVT unless in writing and signed by CVT or one of its Direotors, or
inoluded in either of the warranties detailed in olause 9.1.
9.4 CVT will not be liable for any personal injury, property damage, oonsequential or oontingent loss or damage oaused through the
negligenoe or otherwise of CVT, its servants or agents or rising out of the goods being defeotive or otherwise not in aooordanoe with any
warranty given.
10. Speoifio Warranty Provisions
10.1 Warranty is understood as "return to base". You will be responsible for freight/taxes and duties baok to CVT; CVT will pay the return
freight baok to You.
10.2 Produot Warranty is twenty four months on all produots, exoept for the Single Trip loggers where the warranty term is limited to a
single trip to be performed within the 24 month period. This does not inolude batteries.
Rev. 3.1
Simple and Smart
gClause from CVT Terms & Conditions)
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