Comodita COM301 Guia Del Usuario página 3

Andador de ruedas compacto con asiento
Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Ab o u t Yo u r Co m o d i t à Brava Ro l l i ng Wa l ke r
Ass em b ly I ns t ru c tio n s:
1. Remove all packaging.
2. Remove the two knobs located on both sides of the
folding mechanism
3. Unfold the front and back wheels so they will be
in the same position as the image shown above.
4. Once the front and back wheels are in the correct position,
insert the two knobs again, making sure they go through
the frame of the back wheel and the upper suport
of the front wheel.
5. Tighten the knobs on the opposite side of the
metal frame.
As sembl y I nstru c ti o ns :
6. Once all wheels are tightened and locked, unfold
folding mechanism
7. Lock the seat to the frame by applying pressure on both
8. Adjust the height of the
9. To fold the walker gently pull the nylon strap at the center
the walker as shown in the images below.
sides of the seat (see arrows on picture above) until you
hear a click on each side , indicating the seat is locked
to the frame.
handles by standing upright
behind the walker with your
shoulders relaxed and arms
hanging at your sides. The
handgrips should be at a
height even with your wrists.
of the seat. This will unlock the cross bars from the frame,
allowing the walker to fold.
E x c e l l e n c e i n D e s i g n a n d S a f e t y
hand heights