CompuServe – If you have a modem and an account on CompuServe, you can get
technical assistance and driver updates directly from Matrox by typing GO MATROX
at the "
" prompt. To become a member,
membership offer", page
Matrox BBS – You can download driver updates (which may eliminate a particular
bug), utilities, and other information from our 24-hour Bulletin Board Service (BBS).
The phone number is 514-685-6008. The communication parameters are 8 data bits,
1 stop bit, and no parity. You'll be prompted to enter your first and last name and a
password. If you don't have an account, it's created when you enter your name for
the first time.
See also "Matrox Web and FTP
MATFAX instant fax – Call our dial-up Matrox fax service at 514-685-0174. Using a
touch tone phone, you can have faxes sent to you automatically 24 hours a day.
Available documents include common installation problems, available drivers and
updates, and product data sheets.
Direct Matrox Technical Assistance – If you still can't resolve a problem, you can
get direct technical assistance four ways:
Call Technical Support (Canada) at 514-685-0270. For residents of Quebec only,
call 514-969-6330.
Send a FAX to 514-685-2853, Att: Graphics Technical Assistance.
Write a letter to Graphics Customer Support at our Corporate Headquarters. The
address is: Matrox Graphics Inc., 1025 St. Regis Blvd., Dorval, Qc, Canada,
H9P 2T4.
see "Free CompuServe introductory