2.1.3 Intended environment
The device is only permitted for use in closed rooms within the specified ambient conditions
(see technical data in the Operating Instructions, "Document of equal applicability and
required files", page 7) and in compliance with the requirements for safe installation (see
requirements regarding the location site, "Document of equal applicability and required
files", page 7).
Operator's obligations
The operator is responsible for the safe operation of the device.
Ensure compliance and control:
a. Intended use
b. Statutory or other safety and accident prevention regulations
Only operate the device in a technically perfect condition, in a proper, safety-conscious
and risk-conscious manner and while observing the Operating Instructions ("Document of
equal applicability and required files", page 7).
Keep these instructions and all documents of equal applicability complete, legible and
accessible to the personnel at all times.
Personnel qualifications
Ensure that the personnel assigned to work with the device have read and understood
these instructions and all documents of equal applicability, in particular safety,
maintenance and repair information, before starting to work.
Ensure that personnel is aware of hazards and safety equipment ("Working areas,
potential hazards and safety measures on the device", page 12).
Manage the responsibilities, competence and monitoring of staff.
All work must only be carried out by qualified technical staff.
Personnel to be trained should only be working with the device under the supervision of
qualified technical staff.
Staff obligations
Only operate the device in a technically perfect condition, in a proper, safety-conscious
and risk-conscious manner and while observing the Operating Instructions ("Document of
equal applicability and required files", page 7).
Refrain from any process that could endanger staff or third parties.
In the case of safety-related malfunctions, switch off the device immediately and allow the
fault to be rectified by the person responsible.
In all cases of doubt regarding the safety of the appliance, switch off the appliance and
prevent further use.
In addition to the overall documentation, legal or other safety and accident prevention
regulations including applicable standards and guidelines of the country in which the
device is operated must be complied with.
Do not wear jewellery such as rings, bracelets or watches when working on the appliance,
especially when cleaning the build chamber, to prevent cutting injuries or bruising.