Appendix C - Glossary
Aquaducer is the name of NAVMAN's transducer
which comes standard with the FISH450 Tricolor.
It combines temperature, speed and an ultrasonic
sensors to form a compact transom mounted
transducer solution.
Bottom Lock is a feature of the FISH450 Tricolor
for the Zoom screen which adjusts the Zoom Bar
so the bottom is always displayed at the bottom of
the screen regardless of changes in depth. See
Fish History and Zoom Screens section 3-2.
Depth Sounder - A device for measuring the depth
using ultrasonics. The FISH450 Tricolor is a depth
sounder as well as a fishfinder.
DGPS - Differential Global Positioning System. A
very accurate satellite and land beacon
navigational tool. See your NAVMAN dealer for
more information.
Gain (sensitivity) is the amount of detail (or level
of echo returned) the fishfinder displays on the
GPS - Global Positioning System. A satellite
navigational tool. See your NAVMAN dealer for
more information.
Keel Offset is the difference between the depth
of the transducer, and the depth displayed.
Main Screens include Fish History, Zoom, Sonar,
FISH450 Tricolor FISHFINDER Installation and Operation Manual
Fuel and Data.
NMEA - National Marine Electronics Association
NMEA 0183 - A standard for interfacing marine
electronic devices.
NVM (Non Volatile Memory) stores the settings
and data in your FISH450 Tricolor. This data is
stored while the unit is turned off so the data is
retained when you switch it on.
Range is the depth of water displayed.
Repeater - a display that repeats information from
a primary instrument (eg a FISH450 Tricolor).
NMEA output for data that can be repeated is listed
in the Specifications - Appendix A.
Sensitivity - see gain
Sonar - A system for detecting underwater objects
using ultrasonics.
Sounder - Another name for a depth sounder.
Strakes are the ridges that run from bow to stern.
Often called planing strakes.
Turbid, turbidity - used to describe water which
is has a high amount of noise and is difficult to
'see' through. This can be caused by air in water
(e.g. from another boats wake) or muddy water.
Ultrasonic - Sounds which are above the range
of the human ear.