Aux Sends
The Aux Send menu provides controls for adjusting the aux sends to each individual aux mix. Each page
provides 18 aux controls that determine the send level to each respective aux mix. Each individual send can
be adjusted between a pre and post send, and the output destination can also be selected with ease. The Aux
Send menu can be selected by pushing the corresponding button to the left of the Acapela control application.
Virtual Rotary Controls: These controls are found
in the AUX menu. Each virtual rotary control can be
adjusted by simply touching the control on screen and
sliding your finger up and down to adjust the level as
such. The level, in dB, will be listed on screen. There
will also be a visual indication of the level within the
control itself.
Pre/Post: Immediately on top of the virtual rotary
controls you can find pre/post buttons. Adjusting the
pre/post status of the channel determines whether
the send from the respective channel will be pre-fad-
er (before the fader) or post-fader (taken after the
fader). A pre-fader send is indicated by green, while
post-fader sends are indicated by blue.
Aux Mix: At the bottom right-hand side of the screen
you can push the left and right arrows to scroll through
the 8 different aux mixes.
Acapela 16
Pre/Post Meter: The meters on each channel send
and the Master Aux Send control can be adjusted
using the Pre/Post Meter buttons. The button for the
channels is located directly above the Channel 4 aux
send control, while the master button is found directly
below the aux send master fader.
Solo: The solo button sends the respective aux
send signal to the Control Room mix. For more solo
settings, users can view the properties within the
Acapela's GUI.
On/Off: Turn the currently selected aux send on and
off using the ON button. When the aux send is on,
the button will be illuminated.
Aux Destination Buttons: These 4 buttons deter-
mine the destination of the currently selected aux
send. Any of the 8 multi outputs can be selected.