1. Declaration of conformity:
We certify that this product complies with the standards and regulations found on Page 3.
2. Presentation
The SAXX-200 is a direct current (DC) welder generator for the welding of stainless steel and any
other material that can be welded using the TIG process. Using inverter technology, it can be used for
TIG welding with arc-striking by HF or Lift. This welder is a TIG orbital welder intended for use in the
automatic orbital welding of tubes for the food-processing, pharmaceutical and chemical industries etc. in
particular. Combined with our welding heads, it offers a compact and powerful range of welding
applications, for high quality, repetitive welding activities.
Electrical supply :
Single phase main with earth
Supply voltage : 110 to 230 V +/-15%
Maximum current on main : 23 A under 230V and 32 A under 110V
Frequency : 50/60Hz
Cable : HO7RN-F 3x2.5 mm² black length 3m
Gas supply :
Maximum entry pressure: 6 bars
Maximum Flow : 50l/min per gas line
Inlet fittings : M12x100 male
Outlet fittings : Quick release single shut-off female fitting of serie 20
Allowed gas : Ar, N2, He and H2 (5% max)
Environment :
Temperature range:
Use from 0 to +40°C
Storage from -20 to +55°C
Air humidity :
≤ 50% at 40°C
≤ 85% at 20°C
Without condensation
Altitude: Up to 2000 m above sea level.
Protection : IP21
SAS au capital de 135 720 € - RCS Romans B414 581 363 – Code APE 2841 Z – Siret 414 581 363 00028 – TVA FR13414 581 363
330B Route de Portes Les Valence - ZI Les Bosses - 26800 Etoile sur Rhône
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