Marta MT-1963 Manual De Instrucciones página 23

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 Fill the pot with products and water so the level of products and water is between marks 1/5 and 4/5 (minimum 1/5, maximum 4/5). For products which grow in size a lot (e.g. legumes) maximum level
should be 3/5.
CAUTION: Never cook with no water or with no any liquid if cooking program needs liquid. That could cause the appliance damage. Liquid volume should be at least 2 measuring cups.
 Wipe dry pot outer surface and place it into the multicooker body. Make sure that there are no strange objects between inner pot and heating plate.
 Close the lid. For closing you should do the next:
Check the sealed circle presence and right position. It is forbidden to use multicooker without sealed circle.
Take the lid with its handle and cover the multicooker.
Turn the lid against the clock till stop. Please see picture.
 Set pressure limiting valve into position ―ЗАКРЫТО‖ (closed) or ―ОТКРЫТО‖ (open). It depends of cooking program and recipe.
 Put all ingredients into the pot.
 Plug in the multicooker. When it is plugged in, the display shows ―0000‖.
 Press necessary cooking program button (for programs «Жарка» (Fry), «Тушение» (Stew), «Пароварка» (Steam), «Томление» (Slow Stew), «Выпечка» (Cake), «Запекание» (Bake), «Шеф» (Chef)).
 To choose programs «Копченая рыба» (Smoked fish), «Суп» (Soup), «Плов/рис» (Pilaw/Rice), «Молочная каша» (Milk porridge), «Буженина» (Baked ham), «Студень» (Galantine) press button
«Мультиповар» (Menu) till necessary program indication lights.
 Display shows preset time. If you want to change cooking time you could use «+» and «-» buttons.
 Most programs have pressure selection function (except «Шеф» (Chef), «Жарка» (Fry), «Томление» (Slow Stew)). In all programs automatically is preset Normal pressure.
Press button «Низкое давление» (Low pressure) for cooking with low pressure.
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