11 Technical data
Application area
Measurement priciple
Measurement system
10.5 Repairs
Due to its construction, the field mounted display cannot be repaired.
10.6 Returns
If the unit is to be returned, always add a fault description as well as the
application and return the unit in its original packaging. If this is not pos-
sible, please pack the unit safely.
10.7 Disposal
If the unit is to be disposed of please follow the local disposal regulations
for electronic components.
11 Technical data
Operation and system construction
The unit measures an analogue signal and indicates this in the display. The
unit is installed in a 4 to 20 mA current loop circuit and also obtains the
necessary energy supply from that circuit.
The signal connected to the analogue input is digitalised, analysed and
indicated in the display.
Micro-controller controlled field mounted display with illuminated LC
Digital field display