Average circulating pump speed (%)
Cumulative calculation performed only if the circulating pump is working
Thermal Quantity Balance (kWh) - Solar Panel A
Cumulative calculation performed only if circulating pump A is working
Thermal Quantity Balance (kWh) - Solar Panel B
Cumulative calculation performed only if circulating pump B is working
Press the Up/Down buttons to scroll the list of faults. To display the value press the Enter button in relation to
the parameter.
Press the Enter button to return to the list of faults.
Press the Info button to return to the Service Menu. Press the Info button for 10 seconds to exit the card Service
Menu or exiting is automatic after 15 minutes.
"rE" - History Reset
Press the ON/OFF button for 3 seconds to delete all the information stored in the History Menu: the card will
automatically exit the Service Menu, in order to confi rm the operation.
Press the Info button for 10 seconds to exit the card Service Menu or exiting is automatic after 15 minutes.
Thermal quantity balance (Calculation)
The regulator performs the accumulated energy calculation only if the Solar Circulating Pumps are working: the va-
lues are then displayed through parameters BIL and BIL 2 in the History menu; see the Service Menu section.
This function depends on the value of parameter P15 Thermal Quantity Balance (Installer para-
meter, default equal to 0=Off) which must be set to 1.
Non-modulating circulating pump (without fl owmeter)
The value of the following parameters must be correctly set:
- P16 Solar circuit max. fl ow rate (l/min)
- P18 Antifreeze liquid protection rating (%)
- P23 Solar circulating pump operation (0=On/Off).
Accumulated energy A (kWh) =
Value P16 * 60 x (deltaT: S3 – S1) x 1.163 x ((100-Value P18)/100) / 1000
Accumulated energy B (kWh) =
Value P16 * 60 x (deltaT: S4 – S1) x 1.163 x ((100-Value P18)/100) / 1000
The Regulator performs the instantaneous calculation every second and updates the values of parameters BIL
and BIL 2 every time the accumulated energy increases by 1kW.
In case of a power failure, the Regulator does not lose the accumulated energy calculation: the data is saved
every 10 minutes, therefore when the power is restored and the solar circulating pump restarts, the calculation
can begin again without loss of data.
Cod. 3540V010 - 07/2010 (Rev. 00)
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between 0 and 9999 kWh
between 0 and 9999 kWh