Safety Instructions
B a s i c s a f e t y i n s t r u c t i o n s
This manual serves as the basis for the safe operation of the machine and must be ob-
served by all users. Please observe any restrictions imposed by applicable country-spe-
cific laws.
The chain lubrication system works with oil. If improper work is carried out during
installation or if a leakage occurs, uncontrolled oil loss can lead to contamination of
the motorbike or, in the worst case, to safety impairments. For this reason, the function
must be carefully checked before each ride and especially during the first few kilome-
tres after installation.
I n t e n d e d u s e
The chain oiler is intended for use on chain-driven two-wheelers. For other applications
no correct function can be guaranteed, operation is at your own risk and under exclu-
sion of any warranty. This applies in particular to the use of non-approved operating
materials. Installation and operation must be carried out in accordance with these
instructions and the intended use. In case of improper use or non-observance of these
instructions, no liability is accepted for any damage that may occur.
Publishing date: 01/2021