Preliminary remarks
This blood pressure monitor complies with the European regulations and bears the EC mark
"0068". The quality of the device has been verified and conforms to the provisions of European
Council directive 93/42/EEC dated 14th June 1993 regarding medical devices, as well as EMC
directive 89/336/EEC:
EN 1060-1 (Nov. 1995)
EN 1060-3 (Feb. 1997)
To ensure accurate measurements, the calibration of the device should be checked every two
How the CS 510 works
The CS 510 uses the oscillometric method to measure arterial blood pressure. Before the arm-
band is inflated, the device will establish a baseline armband pressure equivalent to the air
pressure. At the press of a button, the armband is automatically inflated. As it inflates, the CS
510 will measure your arterial blood pressure, analysing its oscillations. Once the amplitude
and gradient of the pressure oscillations have been determined, the device will display the
systolic and diastolic pressure and pulse rate.
Arterial blood pressure
What is arterial blood pressure?
Arterial blood pressure is the pressure exerted on the artery as blood flows through it. The
pressure measured when the heart contracts and pumps out blood is the systolic pressure
(highest). The pressure measured when the heart dilates and blood flows back is called dias-
tolic (lowest) blood pressure.
Why Measure Your Blood Pressure?
Amongst the various health problems afflicting modern man, problems linked with high blood
pressure are by far the most common. The dangerously close relationship between high blood
pressure and heart disease, characterised by high morbidity, has made it necessary to moni-
tor blood pressure in order to identify those at risk.
Blood pressure standard
The World Health Organization (WHO) has established a blood pressure standard, identifying
risk areas for hypotension (low blood pressure) and hypertension (high blood pressure). This
standard, however, is a general guideline as individual blood pressure measurements vary
according to population, age group, etc.
It is important to consult your doctor regularly. Your doctor will be able to tell you your nor-
mal blood pressure range as well as the point at which you should consider yourself at risk.
below 99
X = systolic (mmHg)
Non-invasive blood pressure measuring equipment. General
Supplementary requirements for electromechanical blood pres-
sure measuring systems
Systolic above 160
Diastolic above 100
Systolic 140-159
Diastolic 90-94
Systolic below 139
Diastolic below 89
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