FGM Arcsys 35.49.09 Instrucciones De Uso página 12

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

8.2. Rinsing
• Always use potable water for rinsing. If the water
is heated, its temperature should be between 30ºC
and 40ºC (86ºF and 104ºF).
• Rinse abundantly the external surface of the case
with drinking water. With the help of a brush (soft
brittle), scrub the case under running water to
complete the removal of residue.
• In case there is a lumen, rinse the internal surface of
the lumens injecting potable water at least 5 times.
• Never use saline, especially sodium hypochlorite
oxygenated water or alcohol for cleaning or rinsing
surgical instruments.
8.3. Drying
• Never let the case dry naturally.
• Always use a clean, soft, absorbing and disposable
cloth that is lint and residue free on the instrument.
8.4. Inspection
• Verify the presence of dirt on the cloth used for
• Verify the presence of dirt visible to the naked eye,
analyzing the case from proximal to distal.
• In case any dirt is detected on the cloth or in the
instruments in the inspection step, repeat the
cleaning procedure.
8.5. Sterilization
• The physical sterilization of pieces must be carried
out through humid heat (autoclave), according
to the orientations of the manufacturer, whose
equipment must have the certification from the
Government Health Authority.
• Use distilled water in the autoclave so that the
resulting vapor is free of impurities.
• Surgical instruments, when necessary, must be
disposed in perforated "container type" boxes,
and those boxes must be inserted in disposable
packages such as "surgical grade paper", and
sealed in sealers that allow for a sealing width of at
least 6mm.
• Do not open the autoclave prematurely to avoid
fast condensation.
• Carry out the sterilization in the vapor autoclave,
selecting one sterilization cycle:
• Cycle temperature of 134°C/273,2°F;
• Sterilization cycle duration: 10 minutes;
• Pressure: 2,0 kgf/cm
• Drying time: 25 minutes.
• Clean the autoclave rigorously and periodically,
removing dirt and the possible excess iron oxide
• For stainless steel instruments, one should NOT:
• Use disinfectants or cleaning products with a
high concentration of chloride;
• Use disinfectants or cleaning products with oxalic
• What is not recommended:
• Excessively high concentrations of solvents,
disinfectants and cleaning products with high
concentrations of the above mentioned chemical
• Excessively high temperatures when doing
mechanical cleaning. Never above 140°C/284°F.
9. Expiration dates
- 12 -
10. Pictogram table on the packaging and labels
Número do lote / Batch Number / Número de Partida
Código do produto / Product code / Código del
Data de fabricação / Date of manufacture/ Fecha de
Prazo de validade / Shelf life / Plazo de validad
Limites de temperatura / Temperature limits /
Límites de temperatura
Não utilizar se a embalagem estiver danificada / Do
not use if package is damaged / No lo utilice si el
envoltorio está dañado
Não estéril / Non-sterile / No estéril
Reciclável / Reciclable
Consulte as instruções de utilização /Refer to
instructions for use / Consulte las instrucciones
de utilización
Conservar seco / Keep dry / Consérvelo seco
Manter afastado da luz solar / Keep protected from
sunlight / Manténgalo lejos de la luz solar
Fabricante / Manufacturer / Fabricante
Representante na Comunidade Européia /
Representative in the European Communit /
Representante en la Comunidad Europea
Marcação CE para comercialização na Comunidade
Europeia / CE Mark for European Community
market / Marca CE para comercialización en la
Comunidad Europea

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