Developer Information
Blackmagic Videohub Ethernet Protocol v2.3
Your Blackmagic MultiView is compatible with the Blackmagic Videohub Ethernet Protocol. It is
text based and is accessed by connecting to your Blackmagic MultiView's IP address and
TCP port 9990.
Controlling your MultiView via Ethernet is available on Blackmagic MultiView 16
and Blackmagic MultiView 4, however, most features are relevant to Blackmagic
MultiView 16. On Blackmagic MultiView 4, you can change the solo source and audio
source for the multi view output.
The multi view sends information in blocks which each have an identifying header in all caps,
followed by a full colon. A block spans multiple lines and is terminated by a blank line. Each line
in the protocol is terminated by a newline character.
Lines sent to the Blackmagic MultiView 16 can be terminated with line feed, carriage
return or both.
Upon connection, the multi view sends a complete dump of the state of the device. After the
initial status dump, status updates are sent every time the multi view status changes.
To be resilient to future protocol changes, clients should ignore blocks they do not recognize,
up to the trailing blank line. Within existing blocks, clients should ignore lines they do
not recognize.
Protocol Preamble
The first block sent by the multi view is always the protocol preamble:
The version field indicates the protocol version. When the protocol is changed in a compatible
way, the minor version number will be updated. If incompatible changes are made, the major
version number will be updated.
Device Information
The next block contains general information about the connected Blackmagic MultiView 16
device. If a device is connected, the multi view will report the attributes of the Blackmagic
MultiView 16:
Device present:
Model name: Blackmagic MultiView
Video inputs:
Friendly name:
Unique ID:
Video processing units:
Video outputs:
Video monitoring outputs:
Serial Ports:
Developer Information