7.2.4 RS485 Communication module
The RS485 communication module is a serial interface for communication
with external devices, e.g. PC; 2400 bauds.
The module contains a 4-pole
terminal strip with terminals
marked D+, D-, +12 V and
GND. The module requires
an external supply voltage of
12 VDC ±5 V.
7.2.5 Communication module Modbus RTU
Polarity independent: Con-
nections 60 and 61
External power supply:
12-24 V AC/DC
Energy consumption: max.
150 mW
Connection 90 (not
inverted, +)
Connection 91 (inverted,+)
Communications protocol:
Modbus RTU
Channel EIA-485 (electri-
cally isolated)
Flexible data format:
Standard 9600 bits/s, 8N1,
Modbus Slave ID-1