If you already own a suitable motor, the driver and spinner can be purchased separately:
Propeller driver, blade holder and spinner
Two-blade propeller blades, 12 x 6", for Cularis
MULTIPLEX Li-BATT BX 3/1-2100 flight battery 3 / 2100 mAh
Receiver battery (NiMH) (caution: special pack format) 4 / 1800 mAh-AA-2L
Additional item for the glider version only
Receiver battery (NiMH)
Tools: Scissors, balsa knife, M3 screwdriver, combination pliers, optional soldering iron.
Note: remove the picture pages from the centre of the building instructions.
Specification: Cularis
Fuselage length
All-up weight
electric approx. 1680 g
Wing area (FAI)
Wing loading
RC functions
Important note
This model is not made of styrofoam™, and it is not possible to glue the material using white glue or epoxy. Please be sure to
use cyano-acrylate glue exclusively, preferably in conjunction with cyano activator ("kicker"). We recommend high-viscosity
(thick) cyano. This is the procedure: spray cyano activator on one face of the Elapor®; allow it to air-dry for at least two minutes,
then apply cyano adhesive to the other face. Join the parts, and immediately position them accurately.
Please take care when handling cyano-acrylate adhesives. These materials harden in seconds, so don't get them on
your fingers or other parts of the body. We strongly recommend the use of goggles to protect your eyes.
Warped parts - do vary. For example, if something becomes bent or distorted in transit, it can usually be straigh-
tened again; in this respect it behaves in a similar manner to metal. Bend the part back, slightly "beyond
straight", then release it: the material springs back slightly, and resumes its original shape. But everything has
its limits - so don't overdo it!
Warped parts - do exist! If you wish to paint your model, wipe the surface lightly with MPX Primer, # 60 2700, as if you
were cleaning the model. Apply the paint in even coats, but not too thickly, otherwise the model will indeed warp. If you
overdo it, the painted part will be overweight as well as distorted, and will often be useless! In our experience matt paints
give the best results in terms of appearance.
1. Before assembling the model:
Please check the contents of your kit.
You will find Figs. 01 + 02 and the Parts List helpful here.
Caution: the packaging is more than just transit protec-
tion; the wing panels are glued together with the help of
the specially shaped bottom section of the foam packa-
ging. Without this jig your wings will not turn out straight!
See Fig. 07.
Please keep to the sequence described in these instructions -
we've invested a lot of thought in the procedure.
4 / 1800 mAh-AA-W
2610 mm
1260 mm
approx. 1400 g
approx. 55 dm²
approx. 24,5 / 30,5 g / dm²
Elevator, rudder, ailerons and butterfly (crow - spoiler)
Optional Throttle / aero-tow release
> Keep the adhesive out of the reach of children! <
2. The first step is to prepare the aileron and flap servos.
Check the cable lengths, and connect extension leads to them
if required. Note that the servo leads must extend about 3 - 5
cm out of the wing root when the servos are installed. Position
the servos using the spar covers as an aid. If you are not
using the specified servos you may need to adjust the servo
openings, but don't enlarge them to the point where the servo
well covers no longer fit in the apertures.
Glue the servos in the wings using cyano, ensuring that the
glue does not penetrate inside the servo cases. Lay the servo
leads in the channels and secure them with pieces of adhesi-
ve tape.
Figs. 03 - 05
Order No. 73 3183
Order No. 73 3173
Order No. 15 7131
Order No. 15 6010
Order No. 15 6007