Configuration; Manual Registration - Vimar ELVOX 41022 Manual Del Instalador

Lector rfid para orificio 4x4
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RFID reader for 4x4 hole
1. Description
The device allows access control and actua-
tor control by RFID card. Two possible opera-
ting modes, according to type of installation:
standalone, slave-DueFili or slave-eipv-
des. For the standalone and slave-Due-
Fili operating modes, the management and
update configuration software to be used is
SaveProg; for slave-eipvdes, Video Door
IP Manager is to be used. Once the slave
mode has been selected, the product is au-
tonomously configured in slave-DueFili or
slave-eipvdes mode depending on which
entrance panel it is connected to.
In standalone mode, recognition of a pre-
viously registered card commands activation
of relay F1. It is also possible to enable input
CA for the connection of an additional push
button and directly command output F1. In
this mode, SaveProg can be used to register
cards and configure the device.
In slave mode )factory default mode), the
device must be connected to an electronic
audio or audio/video module in the Pixel Due
Fili or IP series using specific wiring )connec-
tors f or g). Alternatively, output F1 may be
used to control any other output )relay/lock)
of the audio or audio/video module or other
auxiliary modules of the system.
The device is compliant with the ISO 14443A/
SFIRE EV1 2K/4K/8K).
2. Characteristics
• Power supply:
1) from the electronic audio or audio/vi-
deo module, via specific wiring )slave
2) from additional power supply unit on
terminals 5V+ and 5V- )all operating
• Maximum absorption: 150 mA at 5V.
• Average consumption: 1.5 W.
• Operating temperature range: -25 °C /
+55 °C.
• Protection degree: IP54.
• Protection degree against impact: IK08.
• Frequency range: 13.553-13.567 MHz
• RF transmission power: < 60 dBμA/m
• Compatible with Vimar programmable
transponder card )art. 01598).
3. Standalone and slave-DueFili
A maximum of 2000 user or administrator
cards can be registered in total. The first type
can be used to activate the configured actua-
tor, while the second can be used to register
new user cards without having to use Save-
Prog )manual registration).
By default, only the use of MIFARE CLAS-
SIC 1K cards is enabled. Using SaveProg, it
is possible to enable the use of other types
of card.

3.1 Configuration

Connect the device to the PC using a USB
cable. Refer to the
SaveProg documenta-
tion for specific details. It is possible to:
• Set the following operating modes: stan-
dalone, slave.
• Add and remove user and administrator
• Associate each card with a name and an
extension number in order to simplify re-
moval. The archive of a user's card-name
pairings is saved by SaveProg on the PC
being used, when programming the devi-
In standalone mode, it is possible to configu-
re input CA and configure the activation time
of relay F1.
In slave-DueFili mode, it is possible to ac-
quire the cards using SaveProg or module
41018. Please refer to the relevant documen-
tation for details.
In the absence of card additions using the
display or using SaveProg, the acquisition
mode remains the one with the administra-
tor card.
The cards acquired using the display or lo-
aded into the contacts list using SaveProg
disable the cards present in the module.
Moreover, card acquisition using the display
and using SaveProg does not follow the card
format setting saved in 41022 )"card type"
flag), if at least one card is present in the
contacts list.
Enabling of input CA and relay F1 activation
time configuration is done directly on the AV
module. Alternatively, instead of controlling
the output F1 of the device, recognition of a
registered card may be used to control any
other output )relay/lock) of the audio or au-
dio/video module or other auxiliary modules
of the system. You can also configure output
F1 as a common or exclusive lock for the out-
door station.
Cards programmed in slave-DueFili mode
disable the cards acquired in standalone
mode and with at least one card in the en-
trance panel the settings saved in 41022 are
no longer considered.

3.2 Manual registration

In standalone mode, the following manual
registration procedure allows you to add new
user cards to the device without having to
use programming tools:
• Hold a previously registered administra-
tor card up to the reader;
• Within 5 seconds, hold the new card to be
registered as a user up to the reader; the
blue LED on the device will flash rapidly
during the registration period;
• Hold the card in position until registration
is confirmed; the green LED will illuminate
for 1 second )no command is activated);
• The procedure then restarts from step
2: the blue LED starts flashing rapidly,
indicating that another user card can be
registered within the next 5 seconds.
If no card is read during the 5 second regi-
stration period, or if there is a fault, the white
LED will illuminate and the procedure will be
cancelled. Cards can only be deleted using
4. slave-eipvdes mode
Refer to the documentation for Elvox IP video
door entry systems and Video Door IP Mana-
ger. These modes do not support the use of
administrator cards.
5. Operation
When the device is in standby state, the
white LED is illuminated. When a user card
is read, the green LED illuminates for 3 se-
conds and the programmed command is
executed )activation of output F1 or other
command according to the configuration). If
the card presented is not registered, the red
LED will flash for 3 seconds.
In the event of an error, the red LED will flash
continuously. Check that: the device is con-
nected to a compatible audio or audio/video
module; the wiring has been connected cor-
rectly; the firmware versions of the modules
are updated.
6. Updating
The device can be updated using SaveProg/
FWUpdate. Disconnect the device from the
auxiliary power supply, connect it to the PC
by USB cable and start the update procedu-
re. During the update procedure, the red LED
stays on. If updating does not start within 30
seconds of connecting the PC by USB cable,
the device will return to operating mode and
it will no longer be possible to update it. Di-
sconnect and then reconnect the USB cable
to repeat the operation.
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