Weighing when switching the scale on with a patient
Once the segment test is completed as per section 4.1, the scale shows an
undefined weight value. (Caution: this is not the patient's weight value)
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If zero is displayed at this point, it is not possible to weigh like this, see section
4.3 for how to continue.
Now press the tare key to determine the weight of the patient. Then the pa
tient gets out of the scale (the display value is now negative)
The weights of the sling, towel, etc., that are not to be measured, stay on
the scale or must be re-attached.
The value that is now displayed without the minus sign corresponds to the
actual body weight of the patient.
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HBM Short Reference Guide Lifter Scale A1221-5.2 Issue July 31, 2014
Press the ON/OFF key once to switch the scale on
Display segment test (X5 seconds)
Then all the segments go out
Followed by the display of software used
The total weight is displayed
(with the cradle!)
Press the G/N key once to tare
The total weight is set to zero
Once the patient gets out of the cradle, their weight is dis
played with a negative sign.