7) DEROGATIONS: any special derogations from the guarantee terms described in
this section shall not imply the granting to the Purchaser of any right and shall be
considered as granted for a specific case only.
8) MISCELLANEOUS: for any other issue, which is not covered by this Certificate of
Guarantee, the rules described in the Civil Code and existing relevant Laws in the
Republic of Italy apply.
The guarantee becomes null and void in the event that:
a) the equipment presents damage caused by a fall, exposure to flames, liquid
spillage, natural events, bad weather conditions or by any other cause that is not
due to manufacturing defects;
b) installation has not been performed in line with TECNO‐GAZ instructions and by
authorized personnel;
c) the equipment is repaired, modified or tampered with by the Purchaser or by
non‐authorized third parties;
d) when asking for an intervention under guarantee, the product serial number has
been removed, deleted, counterfeited, etc.;
e) the installation and testing report is not returned suitably filled in and signed
within 15 days from installation;
f) the Purchaser suspends and/or delays payment of amounts due, for any reason
whatsoever, relating to the purchase and/or maintenance of the equipment;
g) scheduled periodic maintenance or any other instruction envisaged in the manual
for operation and maintenance is not carried out.